#!/bin/bash links=("https://poc.sigsum.org/crocodile-icefish/sigsum/v0/get-tree-head-cosigned" "https://poc.sigsum.org/crocodile-icefish/sigsum/v0/get-tree-head-to-cosign" "https://poc.sigsum.org/crocodile-icefish/sigsum/v0/get-leaves/0/1" "https://poc.sigsum.org/crocodile-icefish/sigsum/v0/get-consistency-proof/1/3") for url in ${links[@]}; do echo $url #this is for testing purpose. To be removed in thhe final code. response=$(curl -s -w "%{http_code}" $url) http_code=$(tail -n1 <<< "$response") if [[ "$http_code" != 200 ]]; then echo Fatal. $url is down. status_code $http_code domain_name=$(echo $url | awk -F[/:] '{print $4}') echo domain=$domain_name dig_response=$(dig $domain_name) echo $dig_response #this is for testing purpose. To be removed in thhe final code. else echo $url is working. status_code $http_code fi done