# Rename a repository The below example is for the renaming of "toolbox" --> "admin". ## Steps 1. Make sure the repo does not have the sync-to-mirrors post-receive hook, since that might mess up things - gitolite.conf: remove repo from @sigsum_repos - commit and push 2. Rename repo on the server and remove gl-conf, which will be regenerated in step 3 - git@getuid:~/repositories$ mv toolbox.git admin.git - git@getuid:~/repositories$ rm admin.git/gl-conf 3. Rename repo in the config - edit gitolite.conf - commit and push 4. Add the repo back to @sigsum_repos, to undo step 1 - edit gitolite.conf - commit and push 5. Fix the remote url for mirror-github to reflect new name - git@getuid:~/repositories$ vi admin.git/config (To fix GH mirroring, the appropriate renaming must also happen there.) ## Credit - https://gitolite.com/gitolite/basic-admin.html#removingrenaming-a-repo