path: root/doc/design.md
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authorRasmus Dahlberg <rasmus.dahlberg@kau.se>2021-06-07 00:19:40 +0200
committerRasmus Dahlberg <rasmus.dahlberg@kau.se>2021-06-07 00:19:40 +0200
commit932d29fd08c8ff401e471b4f764537493ccbd483 (patch)
treee840a4c62db92e84201fe9ceaa0594d99176792c /doc/design.md
parentbdf7a53d61cf044e526cc9123ca296615f838288 (diff)
parent345fe658fa8a4306caa74f72a618e499343675c2 (diff)
Merge branch 'design' into main
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1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/design.md b/doc/design.md
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+# System Transparency Logging: Design v0
+We propose System Transparency logging. It is similar to Certificate
+Transparency, except that cryptographically signed checksums are logged as
+opposed to X.509 certificates. Publicly logging signed checksums allow anyone
+to discover which keys produced what signatures. As such, malicious and
+unintended key-usage can be _detected_. We present our design and conclude by
+providing two use-cases: binary transparency and reproducible builds.
+**Target audience.**
+You are most likely interested in transparency logs or supply-chain security.
+You have basic understanding of cryptographic primitives like digital
+signatures, hash functions, and Merkle trees. You roughly know what problem
+Certificate Transparency solves and how.
+This is a work-in-progress document that may be moved or modified. A future
+revision of this document will bump the version number to v1. Please let us
+know if you have any feedback.
+## Introduction
+Transparency logs make it possible to detect unwanted events. For example,
+ are there any (mis-)issued TLS certificates [\[CT\]](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962),
+ did you get a different Go module than everyone else [\[ChecksumDB\]](https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/25530-sumdb.md),
+ or is someone running unexpected commands on your server [\[AuditLog\]](https://transparency.dev/application/reliably-log-all-actions-performed-on-your-servers/).
+A System Transparency log makes signed checksums transparent. The overall goal
+is to facilitate detection of unwanted key-usage.
+## Threat model and (non-)goals
+We consider a powerful attacker that gained control of a target's signing and
+release infrastructure. This covers a weaker form of attacker that is able to
+sign data and distribute it to a subset of isolated users. For example, this is
+essentially what the FBI requested from Apple in the San Bernardino case [\[FBI-Apple\]](https://www.eff.org/cases/apple-challenges-fbi-all-writs-act-order).
+The fact that signing keys and related infrastructure components get
+compromised should not be controversial these days [\[SolarWinds\]](https://www.zdnet.com/article/third-malware-strain-discovered-in-solarwinds-supply-chain-attack/).
+The attacker can also gain control of the transparency log's signing key and
+infrastructure. This covers a weaker form of attacker that is able to sign log
+data and distribute it to a subset of isolated users. For example, this could
+have been the case when a remote code execution was found for a Certificate
+Transparency Log [\[DigiCert\]](https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/ct-policy/c/aKNbZuJzwfM).
+Any attacker that is able to position itself to control these components will
+likely be _risk-averse_. This is at minimum due to two factors. First,
+detection would result in a significant loss of capability that is by no means
+trivial to come by. Second, detection means that some part of the attacker's
+malicious behavior will be disclosed publicly.
+Our goal is to facilitate _detection_ of compromised signing keys. We consider
+a signing key compromised if an end-user accepts an unwanted signature as valid.
+The solution that we propose is that signed checksums are transparency logged.
+For security we need a collision resistant hash function and an unforgeable
+signature scheme. We also assume that at most a threshold of seemingly
+independent parties are adversarial.
+It is a non-goal to disclose the data that a checksum represents. For example,
+the log cannot distinguish between a checksum that represents a tax declaration,
+an ISO image, or a Debian package. This means that the type of detection we
+support is more _coarse-grained_ when compared to Certificate Transparency.
+## Design
+We consider a data publisher that wants to digitally sign their data. The data
+is of opaque type. We assume that end-users have a mechanism to locate the
+relevant public verification keys. Data and signatures can also be retrieved
+(in)directly from the data publisher. We make little assumptions about the
+signature tooling. The ecosystem at large can continue to use `gpg`, `openssl`,
+`ssh-keygen -Y`, `signify`, or something else.
+We _have to assume_ that additional tooling can be installed by end-users that
+wish to enforce transparency logging. For example, none of the existing
+signature tooling supports verification of Merkle tree proofs. A side-effect of
+our design is that this additional tooling makes no outbound connections. The
+above data flows are thus preserved.
+### A bird's view
+A central part of any transparency log is the data stored by the log. The data is stored by the
+leaves of an append-only Merkle tree. Our leaf structure contains four fields:
+- **shard_hint**: a number that binds the leaf to a particular _shard interval_.
+Sharding means that the log has a predefined time during which logging requests
+are accepted. Once elapsed, the log can be shut down.
+- **checksum**: a cryptographic hash of some opaque data. The log never
+sees the opaque data; just the hash made by the data publisher.
+- **signature**: a digital signature that is computed by the data publisher over
+the leaf's shard hint and checksum.
+- **key_hash**: a cryptographic hash of the data publisher's public verification key that can be
+used to verify the signature.
+#### Step 1 - preparing a logging request
+The data publisher selects a shard hint and a checksum that should be logged.
+For example, the shard hint could be "logs that are active during 2021". The
+checksum might be the hash of a release file.
+The data publisher signs the selected shard hint and checksum using a secret
+signing key. Both the signed message and the signature is stored
+in the leaf for anyone to verify. Including a shard hint in the signed message
+ensures that a good Samaritan cannot change it to log all leaves from an
+earlier shard into a newer one.
+A hash of the public verification key is also stored in the leaf. This makes it
+possible to attribute the leaf to the data publisher. For example, a data publisher
+that monitors the log can look for leaves that match their own key hash(es).
+A hash, rather than the full public verification key, is used to motivate the
+verifier to locate the key and make an explicit trust decision. Not disclosing the public
+verification key in the leaf makes it more unlikely that someone would use an untrusted key _by
+#### Step 2 - submitting a logging request
+The log implements an HTTP(S) API. Input and output is human-readable and uses
+a simple key-value format. A more complex parser like JSON is not needed
+because the exchanged data structures are primitive enough.
+The data publisher submits their shard hint, checksum, signature, and public
+verification key as key-value pairs. The log will use the public verification
+key to check that the signature is valid, then hash it to construct the `key_hash` part of the leaf.
+The data publisher also submits a _domain hint_. The log will download a DNS
+TXT resource record based on the provided domain name. The downloaded result
+must match the public verification key hash. By verifying that the submitter
+controls a domain that is aware of the public verification key, rate limits can
+be applied per second-level domain. As a result, you would need a large number
+of domain names to spam the log in any significant way.
+Using DNS to combat spam is convenient because many data publishers already have
+a domain name. A single domain name is also relatively cheap. Another
+benefit is that the same anti-spam mechanism can be used across several
+independent logs without coordination. This is important because a healthy log
+ecosystem needs more than one log in order to be reliable. DNS also has built-in
+caching which data publishers can influence by setting TTLs accordingly.
+The submitter's domain hint is not part of the leaf because key management is
+more complex than that. A separate project should focus on transparent key
+management. The scope of our work is transparent _key-usage_.
+The log will _try_ to incorporate a leaf into the Merkle tree if a logging
+request is accepted. There are no _promises of public logging_ as in
+Certificate Transparency. Therefore, the submitter needs to wait for an
+inclusion proof to appear before concluding that the logging request succeeded. Not having
+inclusion promises makes the log less complex.
+#### Step 3 - distributing proofs of public logging
+The data publisher is responsible for collecting all cryptographic proofs that
+their end-users will need to enforce public logging. The collection below
+should be downloadable from the same place that published data is normally hosted.
+1. **Opaque data**: the data publisher's opaque data.
+2. **Shard hint**: the data publisher's selected shard hint.
+3. **Signature**: the data publisher's leaf signature.
+4. **Cosigned tree head**: the log's tree head and a _list of signatures_ that
+state it is consistent with prior history.
+5. **Inclusion proof**: a proof of inclusion based on the logged leaf and tree
+head in question.
+The data publisher's public verification key is known. Therefore, the first three fields are
+sufficient to reconstruct the logged leaf. The leaf's signature can be
+verified. The final two fields then prove that the leaf is in the log. If the
+leaf is included in the log, any monitor can detect that there is a new
+signature made by a given data publisher, 's public verification key.
+The catch is that the proof of logging is only as convincing as the tree head
+that the inclusion proof leads up to. To bypass public logging, the attacker
+needs to control a threshold of independent _witnesses_ that cosign the log. A
+benign witness will only sign the log's tree head if it is consistent with prior
+#### Summary
+The log is sharded and will shut down at a predefined time. The log can shut
+down _safely_ because end-user verification is not interactive. The difficulty
+of bypassing public logging is based on the difficulty of controlling a
+threshold of independent witnesses. Witnesses cosign tree heads to make them
+Submitters, monitors, and witnesses interact with the log using an HTTP(S) API.
+Submitters must prove that they own a domain name as an anti-spam mechanism.
+End-users interact with the log _indirectly_ via a data publisher. It is the
+data publisher's job to log signed checksums, distribute necessary proofs of
+logging, and monitor the log.
+### A peek into the details
+Our bird's view introduction skipped many details that matter in practise. Some
+of these details are presented here using a question-answer format. A
+question-answer format is helpful because it is easily modified and extended.
+#### What cryptographic primitives are supported?
+The only supported hash algorithm is SHA256. The only supported signature
+scheme is Ed25519. Not having any cryptographic agility makes the protocol less
+complex and more secure.
+We can be cryptographically opinionated because of a key insight. Existing
+signature tools like `gpg`, `ssh-keygen -Y`, and `signify` cannot verify proofs
+of public logging. Therefore, _additional tooling must already be installed by
+end-users_. That tooling should verify hashes using the log's hash function.
+That tooling should also verify signatures using the log's signature scheme.
+Both tree heads and tree leaves are being signed.
+#### Why not let the data publisher pick their own signature scheme and format?
+Agility introduces complexity and difficult policy questions. For example,
+which algorithms and formats should (not) be supported and why? Picking Ed25519
+is a current best practise that should be encouraged if possible.
+There is not much we can do if a data publisher _refuses_ to rely on the log's
+hash function or signature scheme.
+#### What if the data publisher must use a specific signature scheme or format?
+They may _cross-sign_ the data as follows.
+1. Sign the data as they're used to.
+2. Hash the data and use the result as the leaf's checksum to be logged.
+3. Sign the leaf using the log's signature scheme.
+For verification, the end-user first verifies that the usual signature from step 1 is valid. Then the
+end-user uses the additional tooling (which is already required) to verify the rest.
+Cross-signing should be a relatively comfortable upgrade path that is backwards
+compatible. The downside is that the data publisher may need to manage an
+additional key-pair.
+#### What (de)serialization parsers are needed?
+#### What policy should be used?
+#### Why witness cosigning?
+#### Why sharding?
+Unlike X.509 certificates which already have validity ranges, a
+checksum does not carry any such information. Therefore, we require
+that the submitter selects a _shard hint_. The selected shard hint
+must be in the log's _shard interval_. A shard interval is defined by
+a start time and an end time. Both ends of the shard interval are
+inclusive and expressed as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch
+(January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC).
+Sharding simplifies log operations because it becomes explicit when a
+log can be shutdown. A log must only accept logging requests that
+have valid shard hints. A log should only accept logging requests
+during the predefined shard interval. Note that _the submitter's
+shard hint is not a verified timestamp_. The submitter should set the
+shard hint as large as possible. If a roughly verified timestamp is
+needed, a cosigned tree head can be used.
+Without a shard hint, the good Samaritan could log all leaves from an
+earlier shard into a newer one. Not only would that defeat the
+purpose of sharding, but it would also become a potential
+denial-of-service vector.
+#### TODO
+Add more key questions and answers.
+- Log spamming
+- Log poisoning
+- Why we removed identifier field from the leaf
+- Explain `latest`, `stable` and `cosigned` tree head.
+- Privacy aspects
+- How does this whole thing work with more than one log?
+## Concluding remarks
+Example of binary transparency and reproducible builds.