path: root/integration/test.sh
diff options
authorRasmus Dahlberg <rasmus@mullvad.net>2022-03-27 15:16:29 +0200
committerRasmus Dahlberg <rasmus.dahlberg@kau.se>2022-04-21 19:20:05 +0200
commit23346b27b8edac3fbe6f423a28064e1da180d6db (patch)
tree47874663a9b76937f4a395570cc898ba15af9c75 /integration/test.sh
parente5201da33e6c714bb0fc81438d4f212c25a48cf2 (diff)
integration: add automatic setup and tear-down
Diffstat (limited to 'integration/test.sh')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/integration/test.sh b/integration/test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64996ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integration/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+set -eu
+trap cleanup EXIT
+function main() {
+ log_dir=$(mktemp -d)
+ info "writing logs to $log_dir"
+ check_go_deps
+ trillian_setup conf/trillian.config
+ sigsum_setup conf/sigsum.config
+ client_setup conf/client.config
+ check_setup
+ run_tests
+function check_go_deps() {
+ [[ $(command -v trillian_log_signer) ]] || die "Hint: go install github.com/google/trillian/cmd/trillian_log_signer@v1.3.13"
+ [[ $(command -v trillian_log_server) ]] || die "Hint: go install github.com/google/trillian/cmd/trillian_log_server@v1.3.13"
+ [[ $(command -v createtree) ]] || die "Hint: go install github.com/google/trillian/cmd/createtree@v1.3.13"
+ [[ $(command -v deletetree) ]] || die "Hint: go install github.com/google/trillian/cmd/deletetree@v1.3.13"
+ [[ $(command -v sigsum_log_go) ]] || die "Hint: go install git.sigsum.org/sigsum-log-go/cmd/sigsum_log_go@v0.3.5"
+ [[ $(command -v sigsum-debug) ]] || die "Hint: see sigsum-tools-go repo, branch rgdd/sigsum-debug"
+function client_setup() {
+ source $1
+ cli_pub=$(echo $cli_priv | sigsum-debug pubkey)
+ cli_key_hash=$(echo $cli_pub | sigsum-debug hashkey)
+ [[ $cli_domain_hint =~ ^_sigsum_v0..+ ]] ||
+ die "must have a valid domain hint"
+ for line in $(dig +short -t txt $cli_domain_hint); do
+ key_hash=${line:1:${#line}-2}
+ if [[ $key_hash == $cli_key_hash ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ done
+ die "must have a properly configured domain hint"
+function trillian_setup() {
+ source $1
+ trillian_log_server\
+ -rpc_endpoint=$tsrv_rpc\
+ -http_endpoint=$tsrv_http\
+ -log_dir=$log_dir 2>/dev/null &
+ tsrv_pid=$!
+ info "started Trillian log server (pid $tsrv_pid)"
+ trillian_log_signer\
+ -force_master\
+ -rpc_endpoint=$tseq_rpc\
+ -http_endpoint=$tseq_http\
+ -log_dir=$log_dir 2>/dev/null &
+ tseq_pid=$!
+ info "started Trillian log sequencer (pid $tseq_pid)"
+ ssrv_tree_id=$(createtree --admin_server $tsrv_rpc 2>/dev/null)
+ [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ||
+ die "must provision a new Merkle tree"
+ info "provisioned Merkle tree with id $ssrv_tree_id"
+function sigsum_setup() {
+ source $1
+ wit1_priv=$(sigsum-debug genkey)
+ wit1_pub=$(echo $wit1_priv | sigsum-debug pubkey)
+ wit1_key_hash=$(echo $wit1_pub | sigsum-debug hashkey)
+ wit2_priv=$(sigsum-debug genkey)
+ wit2_pub=$(echo $wit2_priv | sigsum-debug pubkey)
+ wit2_key_hash=$(echo $wit2_pub | sigsum-debug hashkey)
+ ssrv_witnesses=$wit1_key_hash,$wit2_key_hash
+ ssrv_priv=$(sigsum-debug genkey)
+ ssrv_pub=$(echo $ssrv_priv | sigsum-debug pubkey)
+ sigsum_log_go\
+ -prefix=$ssrv_prefix\
+ -trillian_id=$ssrv_tree_id\
+ -shard_interval_start=$ssrv_shard_start\
+ -key=$ssrv_priv\
+ -witnesses=$ssrv_witnesses\
+ -interval=$ssrv_interval\
+ -http_endpoint=$ssrv_endpoint\
+ -log_dir=$log_dir -v=3 2>/dev/null &
+ ssrv_pid=$!
+ info "started Sigsum log server on $ssrv_endpoint (pid $ssrv_pid)"
+function cleanup() {
+ set +e
+ info "cleaning up, please wait..."
+ sleep 1
+ kill -2 $ssrv_pid
+ kill -2 $tseq_pid
+ while :; do
+ sleep 1
+ ps -p $tseq_pid >/dev/null && continue
+ ps -p $ssrv_pid >/dev/null && continue
+ break
+ done
+ info "stopped Trillian log sequencer"
+ info "stopped Sigsum log server"
+ deletetree -admin_server=$tsrv_rpc -log_id=$ssrv_tree_id ||
+ warn "failed deleting provisioned Merkle tree"
+ info "deleteted provisioned Merkle tree"
+ kill -2 $tsrv_pid
+ while :; do
+ sleep 1
+ ps -p $tsrv_pid >/dev/null && continue
+ break
+ done
+ info "stopped Trillian log server"
+function check_setup() {
+ sleep 3
+ ps -p $tseq_pid >/dev/null || die "must have Trillian log sequencer"
+ ps -p $tsrv_pid >/dev/null || die "must have Trillian log server"
+ ps -p $ssrv_pid >/dev/null || die "must have Sigsum log server"
+function run_tests() {
+ info "TODO: add tests"
+function die() {
+ echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") [FATA] $@" >&2
+ exit 1
+function info() {
+ echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") [INFO] $@" >&2
+function warn() {
+ echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") [WARN] $@" >&2