path: root/pkg/instance
diff options
authorRasmus Dahlberg <rasmus.dahlberg@kau.se>2021-06-07 00:19:40 +0200
committerRasmus Dahlberg <rasmus.dahlberg@kau.se>2021-06-07 00:19:40 +0200
commit932d29fd08c8ff401e471b4f764537493ccbd483 (patch)
treee840a4c62db92e84201fe9ceaa0594d99176792c /pkg/instance
parentbdf7a53d61cf044e526cc9123ca296615f838288 (diff)
parent345fe658fa8a4306caa74f72a618e499343675c2 (diff)
Merge branch 'design' into main
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/instance')
5 files changed, 741 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/instance/endpoint.go b/pkg/instance/endpoint.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5085c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/instance/endpoint.go
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+package stfe
+import (
+ "context"
+ "net/http"
+ "github.com/golang/glog"
+func addLeaf(ctx context.Context, i *Instance, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, error) {
+ glog.V(3).Info("handling add-entry request")
+ req, err := i.leafRequestFromHTTP(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return http.StatusBadRequest, err
+ }
+ if err := i.Client.AddLeaf(ctx, req); err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ return http.StatusOK, nil
+func addCosignature(ctx context.Context, i *Instance, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, error) {
+ glog.V(3).Info("handling add-cosignature request")
+ req, err := i.cosignatureRequestFromHTTP(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return http.StatusBadRequest, err
+ }
+ vk := i.Witnesses[*req.KeyHash]
+ if err := i.Stateman.AddCosignature(ctx, &vk, req.Signature); err != nil {
+ return http.StatusBadRequest, err
+ }
+ return http.StatusOK, nil
+func getTreeHeadLatest(ctx context.Context, i *Instance, w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) (int, error) {
+ glog.V(3).Info("handling get-tree-head-latest request")
+ sth, err := i.Stateman.Latest(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ if err := sth.MarshalASCII(w); err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ return http.StatusOK, nil
+func getTreeHeadToSign(ctx context.Context, i *Instance, w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) (int, error) {
+ glog.V(3).Info("handling get-tree-head-to-sign request")
+ sth, err := i.Stateman.ToSign(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ if err := sth.MarshalASCII(w); err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ return http.StatusOK, nil
+func getTreeHeadCosigned(ctx context.Context, i *Instance, w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) (int, error) {
+ glog.V(3).Info("handling get-tree-head-cosigned request")
+ sth, err := i.Stateman.Cosigned(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ if err := sth.MarshalASCII(w); err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ return http.StatusOK, nil
+func getConsistencyProof(ctx context.Context, i *Instance, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, error) {
+ glog.V(3).Info("handling get-consistency-proof request")
+ req, err := i.consistencyProofRequestFromHTTP(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return http.StatusBadRequest, err
+ }
+ proof, err := i.Client.GetConsistencyProof(ctx, req)
+ if err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ if err := proof.MarshalASCII(w); err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ return http.StatusOK, nil
+func getInclusionProof(ctx context.Context, i *Instance, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, error) {
+ glog.V(3).Info("handling get-proof-by-hash request")
+ req, err := i.inclusionProofRequestFromHTTP(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return http.StatusBadRequest, err
+ }
+ proof, err := i.Client.GetInclusionProof(ctx, req)
+ if err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ if err := proof.MarshalASCII(w); err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ return http.StatusOK, nil
+func getLeaves(ctx context.Context, i *Instance, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, error) {
+ glog.V(3).Info("handling get-leaves request")
+ req, err := i.leavesRequestFromHTTP(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return http.StatusBadRequest, err
+ }
+ leaves, err := i.Client.GetLeaves(ctx, req)
+ if err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ for _, leaf := range *leaves {
+ if err := leaf.MarshalASCII(w); err != nil {
+ return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
+ }
+ }
+ return http.StatusOK, nil
diff --git a/pkg/instance/endpoint_test.go b/pkg/instance/endpoint_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efcd4c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/instance/endpoint_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+package stfe
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/hex"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "net/http"
+ "net/http/httptest"
+ "testing"
+ "github.com/golang/mock/gomock"
+ "github.com/system-transparency/stfe/pkg/mocks"
+ "github.com/system-transparency/stfe/pkg/types"
+var (
+ testWitVK = [types.VerificationKeySize]byte{}
+ testConfig = Config{
+ LogID: hex.EncodeToString(types.Hash([]byte("logid"))[:]),
+ TreeID: 0,
+ Prefix: "testonly",
+ MaxRange: 3,
+ Deadline: 10,
+ Interval: 10,
+ Witnesses: map[[types.HashSize]byte][types.VerificationKeySize]byte{
+ *types.Hash(testWitVK[:]): testWitVK,
+ },
+ }
+ testSTH = &types.SignedTreeHead{
+ TreeHead: types.TreeHead{
+ Timestamp: 0,
+ TreeSize: 0,
+ RootHash: types.Hash(nil),
+ },
+ SigIdent: []*types.SigIdent{
+ &types.SigIdent{
+ Signature: &[types.SignatureSize]byte{},
+ KeyHash: &[types.HashSize]byte{},
+ },
+ },
+ }
+func mustHandle(t *testing.T, i Instance, e types.Endpoint) Handler {
+ for _, handler := range i.Handlers() {
+ if handler.Endpoint == e {
+ return handler
+ }
+ }
+ t.Fatalf("must handle endpoint: %v", e)
+ return Handler{}
+func TestAddLeaf(t *testing.T) {
+ buf := func() io.Reader {
+ // A valid leaf request that was created manually
+ return bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf(
+ "%s%s%s%s"+"%s%s%s%s"+"%s%s%s%s"+"%s%s%s%s"+"%s%s%s%s",
+ types.ShardHint, types.Delim, "0", types.EOL,
+ types.Checksum, types.Delim, "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", types.EOL,
+ types.SignatureOverMessage, types.Delim, "4cb410a4d48f52f761a7c01abcc28fd71811b84ded5403caed5e21b374f6aac9637cecd36828f17529fd503413d30ab66d7bb37a31dbf09a90d23b9241c45009", types.EOL,
+ types.VerificationKey, types.Delim, "f2b7a00b625469d32502e06e8b7fad1ef258d4ad0c6cd87b846142ab681957d5", types.EOL,
+ types.DomainHint, types.Delim, "example.com", types.EOL,
+ ))
+ }
+ for _, table := range []struct {
+ description string
+ ascii io.Reader // buffer used to populate HTTP request
+ expect bool // set if a mock answer is expected
+ err error // error from Trillian client
+ wantCode int // HTTP status ok
+ }{
+ {
+ description: "invalid: bad request (parser error)",
+ ascii: bytes.NewBufferString("key=value\n"),
+ wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
+ },
+ {
+ description: "invalid: bad request (signature error)",
+ ascii: bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf(
+ "%s%s%s%s"+"%s%s%s%s"+"%s%s%s%s"+"%s%s%s%s"+"%s%s%s%s",
+ types.ShardHint, types.Delim, "1", types.EOL,
+ types.Checksum, types.Delim, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111", types.EOL,
+ types.SignatureOverMessage, types.Delim, "4cb410a4d48f52f761a7c01abcc28fd71811b84ded5403caed5e21b374f6aac9637cecd36828f17529fd503413d30ab66d7bb37a31dbf09a90d23b9241c45009", types.EOL,
+ types.VerificationKey, types.Delim, "f2b7a00b625469d32502e06e8b7fad1ef258d4ad0c6cd87b846142ab681957d5", types.EOL,
+ types.DomainHint, types.Delim, "example.com", types.EOL,
+ )),
+ wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
+ },
+ {
+ description: "invalid: backend failure",
+ ascii: buf(),
+ expect: true,
+ err: fmt.Errorf("something went wrong"),
+ wantCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
+ },
+ {
+ description: "valid",
+ ascii: buf(),
+ expect: true,
+ wantCode: http.StatusOK,
+ },
+ } {
+ // Run deferred functions at the end of each iteration
+ func() {
+ ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
+ defer ctrl.Finish()
+ client := mocks.NewMockClient(ctrl)
+ if table.expect {
+ client.EXPECT().AddLeaf(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(table.err)
+ }
+ i := Instance{
+ Config: testConfig,
+ Client: client,
+ }
+ // Create HTTP request
+ url := types.EndpointAddLeaf.Path("http://example.com", i.Prefix)
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, table.ascii)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("must create http request: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Run HTTP request
+ w := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ mustHandle(t, i, types.EndpointAddLeaf).ServeHTTP(w, req)
+ if got, want := w.Code, table.wantCode; got != want {
+ t.Errorf("got HTTP status code %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description)
+ }
+ }()
+ }
+func TestAddCosignature(t *testing.T) {
+ buf := func() io.Reader {
+ return bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf(
+ "%s%s%x%s"+"%s%s%x%s",
+ types.Signature, types.Delim, make([]byte, types.SignatureSize), types.EOL,
+ types.KeyHash, types.Delim, *types.Hash(testWitVK[:]), types.EOL,
+ ))
+ }
+ for _, table := range []struct {
+ description string
+ ascii io.Reader // buffer used to populate HTTP request
+ expect bool // set if a mock answer is expected
+ err error // error from Trillian client
+ wantCode int // HTTP status ok
+ }{
+ {
+ description: "invalid: bad request (parser error)",
+ ascii: bytes.NewBufferString("key=value\n"),
+ wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
+ },
+ {
+ description: "invalid: bad request (unknown witness)",
+ ascii: bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf(
+ "%s%s%x%s"+"%s%s%x%s",
+ types.Signature, types.Delim, make([]byte, types.SignatureSize), types.EOL,
+ types.KeyHash, types.Delim, *types.Hash(testWitVK[1:]), types.EOL,
+ )),
+ wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
+ },
+ {
+ description: "invalid: backend failure",
+ ascii: buf(),
+ expect: true,
+ err: fmt.Errorf("something went wrong"),
+ wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
+ },
+ {
+ description: "valid",
+ ascii: buf(),
+ expect: true,
+ wantCode: http.StatusOK,
+ },
+ } {
+ // Run deferred functions at the end of each iteration
+ func() {
+ ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
+ defer ctrl.Finish()
+ stateman := mocks.NewMockStateManager(ctrl)
+ if table.expect {
+ stateman.EXPECT().AddCosignature(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(table.err)
+ }
+ i := Instance{
+ Config: testConfig,
+ Stateman: stateman,
+ }
+ // Create HTTP request
+ url := types.EndpointAddCosignature.Path("http://example.com", i.Prefix)
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, table.ascii)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("must create http request: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Run HTTP request
+ w := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ mustHandle(t, i, types.EndpointAddCosignature).ServeHTTP(w, req)
+ if got, want := w.Code, table.wantCode; got != want {
+ t.Errorf("got HTTP status code %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description)
+ }
+ }()
+ }
+func TestGetTreeHeadLatest(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, table := range []struct {
+ description string
+ expect bool // set if a mock answer is expected
+ rsp *types.SignedTreeHead // signed tree head from Trillian client
+ err error // error from Trillian client
+ wantCode int // HTTP status ok
+ }{
+ {
+ description: "invalid: backend failure",
+ expect: true,
+ err: fmt.Errorf("something went wrong"),
+ wantCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
+ },
+ {
+ description: "valid",
+ expect: true,
+ rsp: testSTH,
+ wantCode: http.StatusOK,
+ },
+ } {
+ // Run deferred functions at the end of each iteration
+ func() {
+ ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
+ defer ctrl.Finish()
+ stateman := mocks.NewMockStateManager(ctrl)
+ if table.expect {
+ stateman.EXPECT().Latest(gomock.Any()).Return(table.rsp, table.err)
+ }
+ i := Instance{
+ Config: testConfig,
+ Stateman: stateman,
+ }
+ // Create HTTP request
+ url := types.EndpointGetTreeHeadLatest.Path("http://example.com", i.Prefix)
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("must create http request: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Run HTTP request
+ w := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ mustHandle(t, i, types.EndpointGetTreeHeadLatest).ServeHTTP(w, req)
+ if got, want := w.Code, table.wantCode; got != want {
+ t.Errorf("got HTTP status code %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description)
+ }
+ }()
+ }
+func TestGetTreeToSign(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, table := range []struct {
+ description string
+ expect bool // set if a mock answer is expected
+ rsp *types.SignedTreeHead // signed tree head from Trillian client
+ err error // error from Trillian client
+ wantCode int // HTTP status ok
+ }{
+ {
+ description: "invalid: backend failure",
+ expect: true,
+ err: fmt.Errorf("something went wrong"),
+ wantCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
+ },
+ {
+ description: "valid",
+ expect: true,
+ rsp: testSTH,
+ wantCode: http.StatusOK,
+ },
+ } {
+ // Run deferred functions at the end of each iteration
+ func() {
+ ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
+ defer ctrl.Finish()
+ stateman := mocks.NewMockStateManager(ctrl)
+ if table.expect {
+ stateman.EXPECT().ToSign(gomock.Any()).Return(table.rsp, table.err)
+ }
+ i := Instance{
+ Config: testConfig,
+ Stateman: stateman,
+ }
+ // Create HTTP request
+ url := types.EndpointGetTreeHeadToSign.Path("http://example.com", i.Prefix)
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("must create http request: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Run HTTP request
+ w := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ mustHandle(t, i, types.EndpointGetTreeHeadToSign).ServeHTTP(w, req)
+ if got, want := w.Code, table.wantCode; got != want {
+ t.Errorf("got HTTP status code %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description)
+ }
+ }()
+ }
+func TestGetTreeCosigned(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, table := range []struct {
+ description string
+ expect bool // set if a mock answer is expected
+ rsp *types.SignedTreeHead // signed tree head from Trillian client
+ err error // error from Trillian client
+ wantCode int // HTTP status ok
+ }{
+ {
+ description: "invalid: backend failure",
+ expect: true,
+ err: fmt.Errorf("something went wrong"),
+ wantCode: http.StatusInternalServerError,
+ },
+ {
+ description: "valid",
+ expect: true,
+ rsp: testSTH,
+ wantCode: http.StatusOK,
+ },
+ } {
+ // Run deferred functions at the end of each iteration
+ func() {
+ ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
+ defer ctrl.Finish()
+ stateman := mocks.NewMockStateManager(ctrl)
+ if table.expect {
+ stateman.EXPECT().Cosigned(gomock.Any()).Return(table.rsp, table.err)
+ }
+ i := Instance{
+ Config: testConfig,
+ Stateman: stateman,
+ }
+ // Create HTTP request
+ url := types.EndpointGetTreeHeadCosigned.Path("http://example.com", i.Prefix)
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("must create http request: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Run HTTP request
+ w := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ mustHandle(t, i, types.EndpointGetTreeHeadCosigned).ServeHTTP(w, req)
+ if got, want := w.Code, table.wantCode; got != want {
+ t.Errorf("got HTTP status code %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description)
+ }
+ }()
+ }
+func TestGetConsistencyProof(t *testing.T) {
+ buf := func(oldSize, newSize int) io.Reader {
+ return bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf(
+ "%s%s%d%s"+"%s%s%d%s",
+ types.OldSize, types.Delim, oldSize, types.EOL,
+ types.NewSize, types.Delim, newSize, types.EOL,
+ ))
+ }
+ // values in testProof are not relevant for the test, just need a path
+ testProof := &types.ConsistencyProof{
+ OldSize: 1,
+ NewSize: 2,
+ Path: []*[types.HashSize]byte{
+ types.Hash(nil),
+ },
+ }
+ for _, table := range []struct {
+ description string
+ ascii io.Reader // buffer used to populate HTTP request
+ expect bool // set if a mock answer is expected
+ rsp *types.ConsistencyProof // consistency proof from Trillian client
+ err error // error from Trillian client
+ wantCode int // HTTP status ok
+ }{
+ {
+ description: "invalid: bad request (parser error)",
+ ascii: bytes.NewBufferString("key=value\n"),
+ wantCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
+ },
+ {
+ description: "valid",
+ ascii: buf(1, 2),
+ expect: true,
+ rsp: testProof,
+ wantCode: http.StatusOK,
+ },
+ } {
+ // Run deferred functions at the end of each iteration
+ func() {
+ ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
+ defer ctrl.Finish()
+ client := mocks.NewMockClient(ctrl)
+ if table.expect {
+ client.EXPECT().GetConsistencyProof(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(table.rsp, table.err)
+ }
+ i := Instance{
+ Config: testConfig,
+ Client: client,
+ }
+ // Create HTTP request
+ url := types.EndpointGetConsistencyProof.Path("http://example.com", i.Prefix)
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, table.ascii)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("must create http request: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Run HTTP request
+ w := httptest.NewRecorder()
+ mustHandle(t, i, types.EndpointGetConsistencyProof).ServeHTTP(w, req)
+ if got, want := w.Code, table.wantCode; got != want {
+ t.Errorf("got HTTP status code %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description)
+ }
+ }()
+ }
+func TestGetInclusionProof(t *testing.T) {
+func TestGetLeaves(t *testing.T) {
diff --git a/pkg/instance/instance.go b/pkg/instance/instance.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2fe8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/instance/instance.go
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+package stfe
+import (
+ "context"
+ "crypto"
+ "crypto/ed25519"
+ "fmt"
+ "net/http"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/golang/glog"
+ "github.com/system-transparency/stfe/pkg/state"
+ "github.com/system-transparency/stfe/pkg/trillian"
+ "github.com/system-transparency/stfe/pkg/types"
+// Config is a collection of log parameters
+type Config struct {
+ LogID string // H(public key), then hex-encoded
+ TreeID int64 // Merkle tree identifier used by Trillian
+ Prefix string // The portion between base URL and st/v0 (may be "")
+ MaxRange int64 // Maximum number of leaves per get-leaves request
+ Deadline time.Duration // Deadline used for gRPC requests
+ Interval time.Duration // Cosigning frequency
+ // Witnesses map trusted witness identifiers to public verification keys
+ Witnesses map[[types.HashSize]byte][types.VerificationKeySize]byte
+// Instance is an instance of the log's front-end
+type Instance struct {
+ Config // configuration parameters
+ Client trillian.Client // provides access to the Trillian backend
+ Signer crypto.Signer // provides access to Ed25519 private key
+ Stateman state.StateManager // coordinates access to (co)signed tree heads
+// Handler implements the http.Handler interface, and contains a reference
+// to an STFE server instance as well as a function that uses it.
+type Handler struct {
+ Instance *Instance
+ Endpoint types.Endpoint
+ Method string
+ Handler func(context.Context, *Instance, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) (int, error)
+// Handlers returns a list of STFE handlers
+func (i *Instance) Handlers() []Handler {
+ return []Handler{
+ Handler{Instance: i, Handler: addLeaf, Endpoint: types.EndpointAddLeaf, Method: http.MethodPost},
+ Handler{Instance: i, Handler: addCosignature, Endpoint: types.EndpointAddCosignature, Method: http.MethodPost},
+ Handler{Instance: i, Handler: getTreeHeadLatest, Endpoint: types.EndpointGetTreeHeadLatest, Method: http.MethodGet},
+ Handler{Instance: i, Handler: getTreeHeadToSign, Endpoint: types.EndpointGetTreeHeadToSign, Method: http.MethodGet},
+ Handler{Instance: i, Handler: getTreeHeadCosigned, Endpoint: types.EndpointGetTreeHeadCosigned, Method: http.MethodGet},
+ Handler{Instance: i, Handler: getConsistencyProof, Endpoint: types.EndpointGetConsistencyProof, Method: http.MethodPost},
+ Handler{Instance: i, Handler: getInclusionProof, Endpoint: types.EndpointGetProofByHash, Method: http.MethodPost},
+ Handler{Instance: i, Handler: getLeaves, Endpoint: types.EndpointGetLeaves, Method: http.MethodPost},
+ }
+// Path returns a path that should be configured for this handler
+func (h Handler) Path() string {
+ return h.Endpoint.Path(h.Instance.Prefix, "st", "v0")
+// ServeHTTP is part of the http.Handler interface
+func (a Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ // export prometheus metrics
+ var now time.Time = time.Now()
+ var statusCode int
+ defer func() {
+ rspcnt.Inc(a.Instance.LogID, string(a.Endpoint), fmt.Sprintf("%d", statusCode))
+ latency.Observe(time.Now().Sub(now).Seconds(), a.Instance.LogID, string(a.Endpoint), fmt.Sprintf("%d", statusCode))
+ }()
+ reqcnt.Inc(a.Instance.LogID, string(a.Endpoint))
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(r.Context(), now.Add(a.Instance.Deadline))
+ defer cancel()
+ if r.Method != a.Method {
+ glog.Warningf("%s/%s: got HTTP %s, wanted HTTP %s", a.Instance.Prefix, string(a.Endpoint), r.Method, a.Method)
+ http.Error(w, "", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
+ return
+ }
+ statusCode, err := a.Handler(ctx, a.Instance, w, r)
+ if err != nil {
+ glog.Warningf("handler error %s/%s: %v", a.Instance.Prefix, a.Endpoint, err)
+ http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%s", "Error", types.Delim, err.Error(), types.EOL), statusCode)
+ }
+func (i *Instance) leafRequestFromHTTP(r *http.Request) (*types.LeafRequest, error) {
+ var req types.LeafRequest
+ if err := req.UnmarshalASCII(r.Body); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("UnmarshalASCII: %v", err)
+ }
+ vk := ed25519.PublicKey(req.VerificationKey[:])
+ msg := req.Message.Marshal()
+ sig := req.Signature[:]
+ if !ed25519.Verify(vk, msg, sig) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid signature")
+ }
+ // TODO: check shard hint
+ // TODO: check domain hint
+ return &req, nil
+func (i *Instance) cosignatureRequestFromHTTP(r *http.Request) (*types.CosignatureRequest, error) {
+ var req types.CosignatureRequest
+ if err := req.UnmarshalASCII(r.Body); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unpackOctetPost: %v", err)
+ }
+ if _, ok := i.Witnesses[*req.KeyHash]; !ok {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown witness: %x", req.KeyHash)
+ }
+ return &req, nil
+func (i *Instance) consistencyProofRequestFromHTTP(r *http.Request) (*types.ConsistencyProofRequest, error) {
+ var req types.ConsistencyProofRequest
+ if err := req.UnmarshalASCII(r.Body); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("UnmarshalASCII: %v", err)
+ }
+ if req.OldSize < 1 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("OldSize(%d) must be larger than zero", req.OldSize)
+ }
+ if req.NewSize <= req.OldSize {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewSize(%d) must be larger than OldSize(%d)", req.NewSize, req.OldSize)
+ }
+ return &req, nil
+func (i *Instance) inclusionProofRequestFromHTTP(r *http.Request) (*types.InclusionProofRequest, error) {
+ var req types.InclusionProofRequest
+ if err := req.UnmarshalASCII(r.Body); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("UnmarshalASCII: %v", err)
+ }
+ if req.TreeSize < 1 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("TreeSize(%d) must be larger than zero", req.TreeSize)
+ }
+ return &req, nil
+func (i *Instance) leavesRequestFromHTTP(r *http.Request) (*types.LeavesRequest, error) {
+ var req types.LeavesRequest
+ if err := req.UnmarshalASCII(r.Body); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("UnmarshalASCII: %v", err)
+ }
+ if req.StartSize > req.EndSize {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("StartSize(%d) must be less than or equal to EndSize(%d)", req.StartSize, req.EndSize)
+ }
+ if req.EndSize-req.StartSize+1 > uint64(i.MaxRange) {
+ req.EndSize = req.StartSize + uint64(i.MaxRange) - 1
+ }
+ return &req, nil
diff --git a/pkg/instance/instance_test.go b/pkg/instance/instance_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45a2837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/instance/instance_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package stfe
+import (
+ "testing"
+func TestHandlers(t *testing.T) {}
+func TestPath(t *testing.T) {}
+func TestServeHTTP(t *testing.T) {}
diff --git a/pkg/instance/metric.go b/pkg/instance/metric.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db11bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/instance/metric.go
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+package stfe
+import (
+ "github.com/google/trillian/monitoring"
+ "github.com/google/trillian/monitoring/prometheus"
+var (
+ reqcnt monitoring.Counter // number of incoming http requests
+ rspcnt monitoring.Counter // number of valid http responses
+ latency monitoring.Histogram // request-response latency
+func init() {
+ mf := prometheus.MetricFactory{}
+ reqcnt = mf.NewCounter("http_req", "number of http requests", "logid", "endpoint")
+ rspcnt = mf.NewCounter("http_rsp", "number of http requests", "logid", "endpoint", "status")
+ latency = mf.NewHistogram("http_latency", "http request-response latency", "logid", "endpoint", "status")