path: root/server/testdata/chain/README.md
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+# Create new certificate chains
+A more in-depth explanation of the different commands and parameters can be
+found in the man pages, e.g., `man openssl-genpkey` and `man openssl-req`
+## Root certificate
+# Generate ed25519 private key
+$ openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out rgdd-root.key
+# Create and self-sign a root certificate
+# -x509 => output a self-signed certificate
+# -new => prompt the user for relevant field values
+# -key => file to read private key from
+# -days => number of days that the certificate is valid
+# -out => where to write the resulting PEM-encoded certificate
+$ openssl req -x509 -new -key rgdd-root.key -days 2048 -out rgdd-root.pem
+# View the generated certificate
+$ openssl x509 -in rgdd-root.pem -text -noout
+## End-entity certificates
+Let's generate two different end-entity certificates. One that uses ECDSA, and
+another one that uses RSA. Note that `-CAcreateserial` creates a file with the
+next serial number if it does not exist. After a certificate is issued, this
+number is incremented.
+### NIST P-256
+$ openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out rgdd-ecdsa.key
+$ openssl req -new -key rgdd-ecdsa.key -out rgdd-ecdsa.csr
+$ openssl x509 -req -in rgdd-ecdsa.csr -CA rgdd-root.pem -CAkey rgdd-root.key -CAcreateserial -out rgdd-ecdsa.pem -days 1024
+$ openssl x509 -in rgdd-ecdsa.pem -text -noout
+### RSA
+$ openssl genrsa -out rgdd-rsa.key 4096
+$ openssl req -new -key rgdd-rsa.key -out rgdd-rsa.csr
+$ openssl x509 -req -in rgdd-rsa.csr -CA rgdd-root.pem -CAkey rgdd-root.key -CAcreateserial -out rgdd-rsa.pem -days 1024
+$ openssl x509 -in rgdd-rsa.pem -text -noout