# Run Trillian + sigsum-log-go locally Trillian uses a database. So, we will need to set that up. It is documented [here](https://github.com/google/trillian#mysql-setup), and how to check that it is setup properly [here](https://github.com/google/certificate-transparency-go/blob/master/trillian/docs/ManualDeployment.md#data-storage). Other than the database we need Trillian log signer, Trillian log server, and sigsum-log-go. sigsum-log-go has been tested with trillian v.1.3.13. ``` $ go install github.com/google/trillian/cmd/trillian_log_signer@v1.3.13 $ go install github.com/google/trillian/cmd/trillian_log_server@v1.3.13 $ go install ``` Start Trillian log signer: ``` trillian_log_signer --logtostderr -v 9 --force_master --rpc_endpoint=localhost:6961 --http_endpoint=localhost:6964 --num_sequencers 1 --sequencer_interval 100ms --batch_size 100 ``` Start Trillian log server: ``` trillian_log_server --logtostderr -v 9 --rpc_endpoint=localhost:6962 --http_endpoint=localhost:6963 ``` As described in more detail [here](https://github.com/google/certificate-transparency-go/blob/master/trillian/docs/ManualDeployment.md#trillian-services), we need to provision a Merkle tree once: ``` $ go install github.com/google/trillian/cmd/createtree@v1.3.13 $ createtree --admin_server localhost:6962 ``` Hang on to ``. Our sigsum-log-go instance will use it when talking to the Trillian log server to specify which Merkle tree we are working against. (If you take a look in the `Trees` table you will see that the tree has been provisioned.) We will also need a public key-pair for sigsum-log-go. ``` $ go install golang.sigsum.org/sigsum-log-go/cmd/tmp/keygen@v1.3.13 $ ./keygen sk: vk: ``` Start sigsum-log-go: ``` $ tree_id= $ sk= $ sigsum_log_go --logtostderr -v 9 --http_endpoint localhost:6965 --log_rpc_server localhost:6962 --trillian_id $tree_id --key $sk ``` Quick test: - curl http://localhost:6965/sigsum/v0/get-tree-head-latest - try `submit` and `cosign` commands in `cmd/tmp`