**Title:** Investigate Ed25519 clamping behavior
**Date:** 2021-12-09
# Summary Ed25519 signatures have three bits that should be zero due to clamping. What happens when verifying a signature that has these three bits set to something else? Sigsum requires that such a signature is rejected. # Description First confirm that Ed25519 signatures are clamped as described in the summary, then investigate how `Verify()` is implemented in `"crypto/ed25519"`. The assumed sigsum-log-go behavior is that `Verify()` is strict. In other words, a signature that is not clamped correctly should be rejected and not "fixed". If a signature is "fixed" it would be possible to replay add-leaf requests. A replay is bad for the log due to overhead. A replay is also bad for the legitimate submitter because it eats into their rate limit (DoS vector). The following part of Go's implementation might be a good place to start: - https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.16.4:src/crypto/ed25519/ed25519.go;l=208