# Create `item` and `signature` for the add-entry endpoint ## Create a serialized `checksum_v1` entry The following creates a serialized `checksum_v1` StItem, such that the package name is `foobar-0.0.1` and the checksum `SHA256(foobar-0.0.1)`. The result is stored in the `stitem` directory as `foobar-0.0.1`. ``` $ go run . --logtostderr --name foobar-0.0.1 --dir stitem ``` ## Sign the generated file using an end-entity certificate Let's use our ECDSA end-entity certificate using SHA256 as the hash function. ``` $ openssl dgst -sha256 -sign "../chain/rgdd-ecdsa.key" -out stitem/foobar-0.0.1.sig stitem/foobar-0.0.1 ``` ## Encode the resulting StItem and its signature as base-64 ``` $ openssl base64 -A -in stitem/foobar-0.0.1 -out stitem/foobar-0.0.1.b64 $ openssl base64 -A -in stitem/foobar-0.0.1.sig -out stitem/foobar-0.0.1.sig.b64 ```