package stfe import ( "context" "crypto" "fmt" "reflect" "testing" "" cttestdata "" "" "" "" ) func TestNewActiveSthSource(t *testing.T) { for _, table := range []struct { description string signer crypto.Signer trsp *trillian.GetLatestSignedLogRootResponse terr error wantErr bool wantCosi *StItem // current cosigned sth wantStable *StItem // next stable sth that signatures are collected for }{ { description: "invalid trillian response", signer: cttestdata.NewSignerWithFixedSig(nil, testSignature), terr: fmt.Errorf("internal server error"), wantErr: true, }, { description: "valid", signer: cttestdata.NewSignerWithFixedSig(nil, testSignature), trsp: makeLatestSignedLogRootResponse(t, testTimestamp, testTreeSize, testNodeHash), wantCosi: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(NewSignedTreeHeadV1(NewTreeHeadV1(makeTrillianLogRoot(t, testTimestamp, testTreeSize, testNodeHash)), testLogId, testSignature).SignedTreeHeadV1, nil), wantStable: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(NewSignedTreeHeadV1(NewTreeHeadV1(makeTrillianLogRoot(t, testTimestamp, testTreeSize, testNodeHash)), testLogId, testSignature).SignedTreeHeadV1, nil), }, } { func() { // run deferred functions at the end of each iteration th := newTestHandler(t, table.signer, nil) defer th.mockCtrl.Finish() th.client.EXPECT().GetLatestSignedLogRoot(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(table.trsp, table.terr) source, err := NewActiveSthSource(th.client, th.instance.LogParameters) if got, want := err != nil, table.wantErr; got != want { t.Errorf("got error %v but wanted %v in test %q: %v", got, want, table.description, err) } if err != nil { return } if got, want := source.currCosth, table.wantCosi; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Errorf("got cosigned sth %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description) } if got, want := source.nextCosth, table.wantStable; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Errorf("got stable sth %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description) } cosignatureFrom := make(map[string]bool) for _, wit := range table.wantStable.CosignedTreeHeadV1.SignatureV1 { cosignatureFrom[wit.Namespace.String()] = true } if got, want := source.cosignatureFrom, cosignatureFrom; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { if got == nil { t.Errorf("got uninitialized witness map %v but wanted %v in test %q", nil, want, table.description) } else { t.Errorf("got witness map %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description) } } }() } } func TestLatest(t *testing.T) { for _, table := range []struct { description string signer crypto.Signer trsp *trillian.GetLatestSignedLogRootResponse terr error wantErr bool wantRsp *StItem }{ { description: "invalid trillian response", signer: cttestdata.NewSignerWithFixedSig(nil, testSignature), terr: fmt.Errorf("internal server error"), wantErr: true, }, { description: "signature failure", signer: cttestdata.NewSignerWithErr(nil, fmt.Errorf("signing failed")), terr: fmt.Errorf("internal server error"), wantErr: true, }, { description: "valid", signer: cttestdata.NewSignerWithFixedSig(nil, testSignature), trsp: makeLatestSignedLogRootResponse(t, testTimestamp, testTreeSize, testNodeHash), wantRsp: NewSignedTreeHeadV1(NewTreeHeadV1(makeTrillianLogRoot(t, testTimestamp, testTreeSize, testNodeHash)), testLogId, testSignature), }, } { func() { // run deferred functions at the end of each iteration th := newTestHandler(t, table.signer, nil) defer th.mockCtrl.Finish() th.client.EXPECT().GetLatestSignedLogRoot(gomock.Any(), gomock.Any()).Return(table.trsp, table.terr) sth, err := th.instance.SthSource.Latest(context.Background()) if got, want := err != nil, table.wantErr; got != want { t.Errorf("got error %v but wanted %v in test %q: %v", got, want, table.description, err) } if err != nil { return } if got, want := sth, table.wantRsp; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Errorf("got %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description) } }() } } func TestStable(t *testing.T) { sth := NewSignedTreeHeadV1(NewTreeHeadV1(makeTrillianLogRoot(t, testTimestamp, testTreeSize, testNodeHash)), testLogId, testSignature) for _, table := range []struct { description string source SthSource wantRsp *StItem wantErr bool }{ { description: "no stable sth", source: &ActiveSthSource{}, wantErr: true, }, { description: "valid", source: &ActiveSthSource{ nextCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth.SignedTreeHeadV1, nil)}, wantRsp: sth, }, } { sth, err := table.source.Stable(context.Background()) if got, want := err != nil, table.wantErr; got != want { t.Errorf("got error %v but wanted %v in test %q: %v", got, want, table.description, err) } if err != nil { continue } if got, want := sth, table.wantRsp; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Errorf("got %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description) } } } func TestCosigned(t *testing.T) { sth := NewSignedTreeHeadV1(NewTreeHeadV1(makeTrillianLogRoot(t, testTimestamp, testTreeSize, testNodeHash)), testLogId, testSignature) sigs := []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *mustNewNamespaceEd25519V1(t, testdata.Ed25519Vk), Signature: testSignature, }, } for _, table := range []struct { description string source SthSource wantRsp *StItem wantErr bool }{ { description: "no cosigned sth: nil", source: &ActiveSthSource{}, wantErr: true, }, { description: "no cosigned sth: nil signatures", source: &ActiveSthSource{ currCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth.SignedTreeHeadV1, nil), }, wantErr: true, }, { description: "valid", source: &ActiveSthSource{ currCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth.SignedTreeHeadV1, sigs), }, wantRsp: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth.SignedTreeHeadV1, sigs), }, } { cosi, err := table.source.Cosigned(context.Background()) if got, want := err != nil, table.wantErr; got != want { t.Errorf("got error %v but wanted %v in test %q: %v", got, want, table.description, err) } if err != nil { continue } if got, want := cosi, table.wantRsp; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Errorf("got %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description) } } } func TestAddCosignature(t *testing.T) { sth := NewSignedTreeHeadV1(NewTreeHeadV1(makeTrillianLogRoot(t, testTimestamp, testTreeSize, testNodeHash)), testLogId, testSignature) wit1 := mustNewNamespaceEd25519V1(t, testdata.Ed25519Vk) wit2 := mustNewNamespaceEd25519V1(t, testdata.Ed25519Vk2) for _, table := range []struct { description string source *ActiveSthSource req *StItem wantWit []*namespace.Namespace wantErr bool }{ { description: "invalid: cosignature must target the stable sth", source: &ActiveSthSource{ nextCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth.SignedTreeHeadV1, nil), cosignatureFrom: make(map[string]bool), }, req: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(NewSignedTreeHeadV1(NewTreeHeadV1(makeTrillianLogRoot(t, testTimestamp+1000000, testTreeSize, testNodeHash)), testLogId, testSignature).SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), wantErr: true, }, { description: "valid: adding duplicate into a pool of cosignatures", source: &ActiveSthSource{ nextCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), cosignatureFrom: map[string]bool{ wit1.String(): true, }, }, req: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), wantWit: []*namespace.Namespace{wit1}, }, { description: "valid: adding into an empty pool of cosignatures", source: &ActiveSthSource{ nextCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth.SignedTreeHeadV1, nil), cosignatureFrom: make(map[string]bool), }, req: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), wantWit: []*namespace.Namespace{wit1}, }, { description: "valid: adding into a pool of cosignatures", source: &ActiveSthSource{ nextCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), cosignatureFrom: map[string]bool{ wit1.String(): true, }, }, req: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit2, Signature: testSignature, }, }), wantWit: []*namespace.Namespace{wit1, wit2}, }, } { err := table.source.AddCosignature(context.Background(), table.req) if got, want := err != nil, table.wantErr; got != want { t.Errorf("got error %v but wanted %v in test %q: %v", got, want, table.description, err) } if err != nil { continue } // Check that the next cosigned sth is updated var sigs []SignatureV1 for _, wit := range table.wantWit { sigs = append(sigs, SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit, Signature: testSignature, }) } if got, want := table.source.nextCosth, NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth.SignedTreeHeadV1, sigs); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Errorf("got %v but wanted %v in test %q", got, want, table.description) } // Check that the map tracking witness signatures is updated if got, want := len(table.source.cosignatureFrom), len(table.wantWit); got != want { t.Errorf("witness map got %d cosignatures but wanted %d in test %q", got, want, table.description) } else { for _, wit := range table.wantWit { if _, ok := table.source.cosignatureFrom[wit.String()]; !ok { t.Errorf("missing signature from witness %X in test %q", wit.String(), table.description) } } } } } func TestRotate(t *testing.T) { sth1 := NewSignedTreeHeadV1(NewTreeHeadV1(makeTrillianLogRoot(t, testTimestamp, testTreeSize, testNodeHash)), testLogId, testSignature) sth2 := NewSignedTreeHeadV1(NewTreeHeadV1(makeTrillianLogRoot(t, testTimestamp+1000000, testTreeSize+1, testNodeHash)), testLogId, testSignature) sth3 := NewSignedTreeHeadV1(NewTreeHeadV1(makeTrillianLogRoot(t, testTimestamp+2000000, testTreeSize+2, testNodeHash)), testLogId, testSignature) wit1 := mustNewNamespaceEd25519V1(t, testdata.Ed25519Vk) wit2 := mustNewNamespaceEd25519V1(t, testdata.Ed25519Vk2) wit3 := mustNewNamespaceEd25519V1(t, testdata.Ed25519Vk3) for _, table := range []struct { description string source *ActiveSthSource fixedSth *StItem wantCurrSth *StItem wantNextSth *StItem wantWit []*namespace.Namespace }{ { description: "not repeated cosigned and not repeated stable", source: &ActiveSthSource{ currCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth1.SignedTreeHeadV1, nil), nextCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth2.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), cosignatureFrom: map[string]bool{ wit1.String(): true, }, }, fixedSth: sth3, wantCurrSth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth2.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), wantNextSth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth3.SignedTreeHeadV1, nil), wantWit: nil, // no cosignatures for the next stable sth yet }, { description: "not repeated cosigned and repeated stable", source: &ActiveSthSource{ currCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth1.SignedTreeHeadV1, nil), nextCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth2.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), cosignatureFrom: map[string]bool{ wit1.String(): true, }, }, fixedSth: sth2, wantCurrSth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth2.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), wantNextSth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth2.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), wantWit: []*namespace.Namespace{wit1}, }, { description: "repeated cosigned and not repeated stable", source: &ActiveSthSource{ currCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth1.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit2, Signature: testSignature, }, }), nextCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth1.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit2, Signature: testSignature, }, SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit3, Signature: testSignature, }, }), cosignatureFrom: map[string]bool{ wit2.String(): true, wit3.String(): true, }, }, fixedSth: sth3, wantCurrSth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth1.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit2, Signature: testSignature, }, SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit3, Signature: testSignature, }, SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), wantNextSth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth3.SignedTreeHeadV1, nil), wantWit: nil, // no cosignatures for the next stable sth yet }, { description: "repeated cosigned and repeated stable", source: &ActiveSthSource{ currCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth1.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit2, Signature: testSignature, }, }), nextCosth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth1.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit2, Signature: testSignature, }, SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit3, Signature: testSignature, }, }), cosignatureFrom: map[string]bool{ wit2.String(): true, wit3.String(): true, }, }, fixedSth: sth1, wantCurrSth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth1.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit2, Signature: testSignature, }, SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit3, Signature: testSignature, }, SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), wantNextSth: NewCosignedTreeHeadV1(sth1.SignedTreeHeadV1, []SignatureV1{ SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit2, Signature: testSignature, }, SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit3, Signature: testSignature, }, SignatureV1{ Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature, }, }), wantWit: []*namespace.Namespace{wit1, wit2, wit3}, }, } { table.source.rotate(table.fixedSth) if got, want := table.source.currCosth, table.wantCurrSth; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Errorf("got currCosth %X but wanted %X in test %q", got, want, table.description) } if got, want := table.source.nextCosth, table.wantNextSth; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) { t.Errorf("got nextCosth %X but wanted %X in test %q", got, want, table.description) } if got, want := len(table.source.cosignatureFrom), len(table.wantWit); got != want { t.Errorf("witness map got %d cosignatures but wanted %d in test %q", got, want, table.description) } else { for _, wit := range table.wantWit { if _, ok := table.source.cosignatureFrom[wit.String()]; !ok { t.Errorf("missing signature from witness %X in test %q", wit.String(), table.description) } } } // check that adding cosignatures to stable will not effect cosigned sth wantLen := len(table.source.currCosth.CosignedTreeHeadV1.SignatureV1) table.source.nextCosth.CosignedTreeHeadV1.SignatureV1 = append(table.source.nextCosth.CosignedTreeHeadV1.SignatureV1, SignatureV1{Namespace: *wit1, Signature: testSignature}) if gotLen := len(table.source.currCosth.CosignedTreeHeadV1.SignatureV1); gotLen != wantLen { t.Errorf("adding cosignatures to the stable sth modifies the fixated cosigned sth in test %q", table.description) } } }