#! /usr/bin/env python3 # Sign the most recently published tree head from a given ST log, # after verifying a consistency proof from an already verified tree # head to this new tree head. # A verified tree head is expected to be found in the file # ~/.config/sigsum-witness/signed-tree-head . It's updated once a # newer tree head has been verified successfully. # If the config file ~/.config/sigsum-witness/sigsum-witness.conf # exists and is readable, options are read from it. Options read from # the config file can be overridden on the command line. # Pubkey from secret key: # sigkey = nacl.signing.SigningKey('badc0ffee123456...', nacl.encoding.HexEncoder) # sigkey.verify_key.encode(nacl.encoding.HexEncoder) import sys import os from stat import * import argparse import requests import struct from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify import nacl.encoding import nacl.signing from hashlib import sha256 import time from math import floor from pathlib import PurePath from tools.libsigntools import ssh_to_sign BASE_URL_DEFAULT = 'http://poc.sigsum.org:4780/' CONFIG_DIR_DEFAULT = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/sigsum-witness/') ERR_OK = 0 ERR_USAGE = 1 ERR_TREEHEAD_READ = 2 ERR_TREEHEAD_FETCH = 3 ERR_TREEHEAD_SIGNATURE_INVALID = 4 ERR_TREEHEAD_INVALID = 5 ERR_CONSISTENCYPROOF_FETCH = 6 ERR_CONSISTENCYPROOF_INVALID = 7 ERR_LOGKEY = 8 ERR_LOGKEY_FORMAT = 9 ERR_SIGKEYFILE = 10 ERR_SIGKEYFILE_MISSING = 11 ERR_SIGKEY_FORMAT = 12 ERR_NYI = 13 ERR_COSIG_POST = 14 class Parser: def __init__(self): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Sign the most recently published tree head from a given sigsum log, after verifying it against an older tree.') p.add_argument('--bootstrap-log', action='store_true', help="Sign and save fetched tree head without verifying a consistency proof against a previous tree head. " "NOTE: Requires user intervention.") p.add_argument('-d', '--base-dir', default=CONFIG_DIR_DEFAULT, help="Configuration directory ({})".format(CONFIG_DIR_DEFAULT)) p.add_argument('-g', '--generate-signing-key', action='store_true', help="Generate signing key if missing. NOTE: Requires user intervention.") p.add_argument('-l', '--log-verification-key', help="Log verification key") p.add_argument('--save-config', action='store_true', help="Save command line options to the configuration file") p.add_argument('-s', '--sigkey-file', default='signing-key', help="Signing key file, relative to $base_dir if not an absolute path (signing-key)") p.add_argument('-u', '--base-url', default=BASE_URL_DEFAULT, help="Log base URL ({})".format(BASE_URL_DEFAULT)) self.parser = p def parse_config(filename): try: lines = [] with open(filename, 'r') as f: line = f.readline() while line: lines.append(line.strip()) line = f.readline() g_args.parser.parse_args(lines, namespace=g_args) except FileNotFoundError: pass def parse_args(argv): g_args.parser.parse_args(namespace=g_args) def parse_keyval(text): dictx = {} for line in text.split(): (key, val) = line.split('=') if not key in dictx: dictx[key] = val else: if type(dictx[key]) is list: dictx[key] += [val] else: dictx[key] = [dictx[key], val] return dictx class TreeHead: def __init__(self, sth_data): self._text = parse_keyval(sth_data) assert(len(self._text) == 4) assert('timestamp' in self._text) assert('tree_size' in self._text) assert('root_hash' in self._text) assert('signature' in self._text) @property def timestamp(self): return int(self._text['timestamp']) @property def tree_size(self): return int(self._text['tree_size']) @property def root_hash(self): return unhexlify(self._text['root_hash']) def text(self): text = 'timestamp={}\n'.format(self._text['timestamp']) text += 'tree_size={}\n'.format(self._text['tree_size']) text += 'root_hash={}\n'.format(self._text['root_hash']) text += 'signature={}\n'.format(self._text['signature']) return text.encode('ascii') def to_signed_data(self, pubkey): namespace = 'tree_head:v0:{}@sigsum.org'.format(hexlify(sha256(pubkey.encode()).digest()).decode()) msg = struct.pack('!QQ', self.timestamp, self.tree_size) msg += unhexlify(self._text['root_hash']) assert(len(msg) == 8 + 8 + 32) return ssh_to_sign(namespace, 'sha256', sha256(msg).digest()) def signature_valid(self, pubkey): # Guard against tree head with >1 signature -- don't try to # validate a cosigned tree head. assert(type(self._text['signature']) is str) sig = unhexlify(self._text['signature']) assert(len(sig) == 64) data = self.to_signed_data(pubkey) try: verified_data = pubkey.verify(sig + data) except nacl.exceptions.BadSignatureError: return False assert(verified_data == data) return True def timestamp_valid(self, now): ts_sec = self.timestamp ts_asc = time.ctime(ts_sec) acceptable_drift = 10 if ts_sec < now - 5 * 60 - acceptable_drift: return (ERR_OK, "WARNING: Tree head timestamp older than five minutes: {} ({})".format(ts_sec, ts_asc)) if ts_sec > now + acceptable_drift: return (ERR_OK, "WARNING: Tree head timestamp from the future: {} ({})".format(ts_sec, ts_asc)) def history_valid(self, prev): if self.tree_size < prev.tree_size: return (ERR_TREEHEAD_INVALID, "ERROR: Log is shrinking: {} < {} ".format(self.tree_size, prev.tree_size)) if self.timestamp < prev.timestamp: return (ERR_TREEHEAD_INVALID, "ERROR: Log is time traveling: {} < {} ".format(time.ctime(self.timestamp), time.ctime(prev.timestamp))) if self.timestamp == prev.timestamp and \ self.root_hash == prev.root_hash and \ self.tree_size == prev.tree_size: return (ERR_OK, "INFO: Fetched head of tree of size {} already seen".format(prev.tree_size)) if self.root_hash == prev.root_hash and \ self.tree_size != prev.tree_size: return (ERR_TREEHEAD_INVALID, "ERROR: Tree size has changed but hash has not: " "{}: {} != {}".format(self.root_hash, self.tree_size, prev.tree_size)) if self.root_hash != prev.root_hash and \ self.tree_size == prev.tree_size: return (ERR_TREEHEAD_INVALID, "ERROR: Hash has changed but tree size has not: " "{}: {} != {}".format(self.tree_size, self.root_hash, prev.root_hash)) # New timestamp but same hash and size is ok but there's no # consistency to prove. if self.root_hash == prev.root_hash: assert(self.tree_size == prev.tree_size) assert(self.timestamp != prev.timestamp) print("INFO: Signing re-published head of tree of size {}".format(self.tree_size)) return None # Success proof, err = fetch_consistency_proof(prev.tree_size, self.tree_size) if err: return err if not consistency_proof_valid(prev, self, proof): errmsg = "ERROR: failing consistency proof check for {}->{}\n".format(prev.tree_size, self.tree_size) errmsg += "DEBUG: {}:{}->{}:{}\n {}".format(prev.tree_size, prev.root_hash, self.tree_size, self.root_hash, proof.path()) return ERR_CONSISTENCYPROOF_INVALID, errmsg return None # Success class ConsistencyProof(): def __init__(self, old_size, new_size, consistency_proof_data): self._old_size = old_size self._new_size = new_size self._text = parse_keyval(consistency_proof_data) assert(len(self._text) == 1) assert('consistency_path' in self._text) def old_size(self): return self._old_size def new_size(self): return self._new_size def path(self): if type(self._text['consistency_path']) is list: return [unhexlify(e) for e in self._text['consistency_path']] else: return [unhexlify(self._text['consistency_path'])] def make_base_dir_maybe(): dirname = os.path.expanduser(g_args.base_dir) try: os.stat(dirname) except FileNotFoundError: os.makedirs(dirname, mode=0o700) def read_tree_head(filename): try: with open(filename, mode='r') as f: return TreeHead(f.read()) except FileNotFoundError: return None def read_tree_head_and_verify(log_verification_key): fn = str(PurePath(os.path.expanduser(g_args.base_dir), 'signed-tree-head')) tree_head = read_tree_head(fn) if not tree_head: return None, (ERR_TREEHEAD_READ, "ERROR: unable to read file {}".format(fn)) if not tree_head.signature_valid(log_verification_key): return None, (ERR_TREEHEAD_SIGNATURE_INVALID, "ERROR: signature of stored tree head invalid") return tree_head, None def store_tree_head(tree_head): path = str(PurePath(os.path.expanduser(g_args.base_dir), 'signed-tree-head')) with open(path, mode='w+b') as f: f.write(tree_head.text()) def fetch_tree_head_and_verify(log_verification_key): req = requests.get(g_args.base_url + 'sigsum/v0/get-tree-head-to-sign') if req.status_code != 200: return None, (ERR_TREEHEAD_FETCH, "ERROR: unable to fetch new tree head: {}".format(req.status_code)) tree_head = TreeHead(req.content.decode()) if not tree_head.signature_valid(log_verification_key): return None, (ERR_TREEHEAD_SIGNATURE_INVALID, "ERROR: signature of fetched tree head invalid") return tree_head, None def fetch_consistency_proof(first, second): post_data = 'old_size={}\n'.format(first) post_data += 'new_size={}\n'.format(second) req = requests.post(g_args.base_url + 'sigsum/v0/get-consistency-proof', post_data) if req.status_code != 200: return None, (ERR_CONSISTENCYPROOF_FETCH, "ERROR: unable to fetch consistency proof: {}".format(req.status_code)) return ConsistencyProof(first, second, req.content.decode()), None def numbits(n): p = 0 while n > 0: if n & 1: p += 1 n >>= 1 return p # Implements the algorithm for consistency proof verification outlined # in RFC6962-BIS, see # https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-trans-rfc6962-bis-39#section- def consistency_proof_valid(first, second, proof): assert(first.tree_size == proof.old_size()) assert(second.tree_size == proof.new_size()) path = proof.path() if len(path) == 0: return False if numbits(first.tree_size) == 1: path = [first.root_hash] + path fn = first.tree_size - 1 sn = second.tree_size - 1 while fn & 1: fn >>= 1 sn >>= 1 fr = path[0] sr = path[0] for c in path[1:]: if sn == 0: return False if fn & 1 or fn == sn: fr = sha256(b'\x01' + c + fr).digest() sr = sha256(b'\x01' + c + sr).digest() while fn != 0 and fn & 1 == 0: fn >>= 1 sn >>= 1 else: sr = sha256(b'\x01' + sr + c).digest() fn >>= 1 sn >>= 1 return sn == 0 and fr == first.root_hash and sr == second.root_hash def sign_send_store_tree_head(signing_key, log_key, tree_head): signature = signing_key.sign(tree_head.to_signed_data(log_key)).signature hash = sha256(signing_key.verify_key.encode()) post_data = 'cosignature={}\n'.format(hexlify(signature).decode('ascii')) post_data += 'key_hash={}\n'.format(hash.hexdigest()) req = requests.post(g_args.base_url + 'sigsum/v0/add-cosignature', post_data) if req.status_code != 200: return (ERR_COSIG_POST, "ERROR: Unable to post signature to log: {} => {}: {}". format(req.url, req.status_code, req.text)) # Store only when all else is done. Next invocation will treat a # stored tree head as having been verified. store_tree_head(tree_head) def ensure_log_verification_key(): if not g_args.log_verification_key: return None, (ERR_LOGKEY, "ERROR: missing log verification key") try: log_verification_key = nacl.signing.VerifyKey(g_args.log_verification_key, encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder) except: return None, (ERR_LOGKEY_FORMAT, "ERROR: invalid log verification key: {}".format(g_args.log_verification_key)) assert(log_verification_key is not None) return log_verification_key, None def generate_and_store_sigkey(fn): print("INFO: Generating signing key and writing it to {}".format(fn)) signing_key = nacl.signing.SigningKey.generate() verify_key = signing_key.verify_key print("INFO: verification key: {}".format(verify_key.encode(nacl.encoding.HexEncoder).decode('ascii'))) with open(fn, 'w') as f: os.chmod(f.fileno(), S_IRUSR) f.write(signing_key.encode(encoder=nacl.encoding.HexEncoder).decode('ascii')) def read_sigkeyfile(fn): s = os.stat(fn, follow_symlinks=False) if not S_ISREG(s.st_mode): return None, (ERR_SIGKEYFILE, "ERROR: Signing key file {} must be a regular file".format(fn)) if S_IMODE(s.st_mode) & 0o077 != 0: return None, (ERR_SIGKEYFILE, "ERROR: Signing key file {} permissions too lax: {:04o}".format(fn, S_IMODE(s.st_mode))) with open(fn, 'r') as f: try: signing_key = nacl.signing.SigningKey(f.readline().strip(), nacl.encoding.HexEncoder) except: return None, (ERR_SIGKEY_FORMAT, "ERROR: Invalid signing key in {}".format(fn)) assert(signing_key is not None) return signing_key, None # Read signature key from file, or generate one and write it to file. def ensure_sigkey(fn): try: os.stat(fn, follow_symlinks=False) except FileNotFoundError: if not g_args.generate_signing_key: return None, (ERR_SIGKEYFILE_MISSING, "ERROR: Signing key file {} missing. " "Use --generate-signing-key to create one.".format(fn)) if not user_confirm("Really generate a new signing key and store it in {}?".format(fn)): return None, (ERR_SIGKEYFILE_MISSING, "ERROR: Signing key file {} missing".format(fn)) generate_and_store_sigkey(fn) return read_sigkeyfile(fn) if g_args.generate_signing_key: return None, (ERR_USAGE, "ERROR: Signing key file {} already existing".format(fn)) return read_sigkeyfile(fn) def user_confirm(prompt): resp = input(prompt + ' y/n> ').lower() if resp and resp[0] == 'y': return True return False def main(args): global g_args g_args = Parser() parse_args(args) # get base_dir parse_config(str(PurePath(g_args.base_dir, 'sigsum-witness.conf'))) parse_args(args) # override config file options if g_args.save_config: # TODO write to config file return ERR_NYI, "ERROR: --save-config is not yet implemented" now = floor(time.time()) consistency_verified = False ignore_consistency = False make_base_dir_maybe() log_verification_key, err = ensure_log_verification_key() if err: return err signing_key, err = ensure_sigkey(str(PurePath(g_args.base_dir, g_args.sigkey_file))) if err: return err cur_tree_head, err = read_tree_head_and_verify(log_verification_key) if err: new_tree_head, err2 = fetch_tree_head_and_verify(log_verification_key) if err2: return err2 if not g_args.bootstrap_log: return err print("\nWARNING: We have only seen one single tree head from the\n" "log {},\n" "representing a tree of size {}. We are therefore unable to\n" "verify that the tree it represents is really a superset of an\n" "earlier version of the tree in this log.\n" "\nWe are effectively signing this tree head blindly.\n".format(g_args.base_url, new_tree_head.tree_size)) if user_confirm("Really sign head for tree of size {} and upload " "the signature?".format(new_tree_head.tree_size)): err3 = sign_send_store_tree_head(signing_key, log_verification_key, new_tree_head) if err3: return err3 return 0, None else: if g_args.bootstrap_log: return (ERR_USAGE, "ERROR: Valid tree head found: --bootstrap-log not allowed") new_tree_head, err = fetch_tree_head_and_verify(log_verification_key) if err: return err err = new_tree_head.timestamp_valid(now) if err: return err err = new_tree_head.history_valid(cur_tree_head) if err: return err if not cur_tree_head.signature_valid(log_verification_key): return ERR_TREEHEAD_SIGNATURE_INVALID, "ERROR: signature of current tree head invalid" err = sign_send_store_tree_head(signing_key, log_verification_key, new_tree_head) if err: return err return 0, None if __name__ == '__main__': status = main(sys.argv) if status[1]: print(status[1]) sys.exit(status[0])