import io def dumps(data): """ dumps takes a key/values mapping and serializes it to ASCII. If one of the values is not of type str, int or bytes (or a list of those) a TypeError is raised. """ res = io.StringIO() for key in data: values = data[key] if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] for val in values: if isinstance(val, (int, str)): res.write(f"{key}={val}\n") elif isinstance(val, bytes): res.write(f"{key}={val.hex()}\n") else: raise TypeError( f"Object of type {type(val).__name__} is not ASCII serializable" ) return def loads(txt): """ loads deserialized the given string into an ASCIIValue. """ kv = [] for lno, line in enumerate(txt.splitlines(), 1): if "=" not in line: raise ASCIIDecodeError("Expecting '=' delimiter line 1") (key, val) = line.rstrip().split("=", 1) if val == "": raise ASCIIDecodeError("Expecting value after '=' line 1") kv.append((key, val)) return ASCIIValue(kv) class ASCIIDecodeError(Exception): """ ASCIIDecodeError indicates that loads couldn't deserialize the given input. """ class ASCIIValue: """ ASCIIValue implements Mapping[str, List[str]] with convenience getters to parse sigsum types. """ def __init__(self, data): self._d = {} for k, v in data: self._d.setdefault(k, []).append(v) def __getitem__(self, k): return self._d.__getitem__(k) def __len__(self): return self._d.__len__() def __iter__(self): return self._d.__iter__() def getone(self, k): v = self._d[k] if len(v) > 1: raise ValueError(f"{k}: expected a single value, got {len(v)}") return self._d[k][0] def getint(self, k, many=False): if many: return [int(x) for x in self._d[k]] return int(self.getone(k)) def getbytes(self, k, many=False): if many: return [bytes.fromhex(x) for x in self._d[k]] return bytes.fromhex(self.getone(k)) def __repr__(self): return f'ASCIIValue([{", ".join(f"({k!r}, {v!r})" for k,vs in self._d.items() for v in vs)}])' def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ASCIIValue): return self._d.__eq__(other._d) if isinstance(other, dict): return self._d.__eq__(other) return NotImplemented