path: root/archive
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8 files changed, 6 insertions, 379 deletions
diff --git a/archive/2022-01-04--meeting-minutes b/archive/2022-01-04--meeting-minutes
index 284c3e5..a828953 100644
--- a/archive/2022-01-04--meeting-minutes
+++ b/archive/2022-01-04--meeting-minutes
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ Status round
* [rgdd, ln5] remove arbitrary bytes proposal (re-opened)
* https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/doc/proposals/2021-11-remove-arbitrary-bytes.md
* [rgdd, ln5] change get-* endpoints that use HTTP post proposal (new)
- * https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-get-endpoints
+ * https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/doc/proposals/2022-01-get-endpoints
* [rgdd, ln5] stricter domain hint verification proposal (new)
- * https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-domain-hint
+ * https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/doc/proposals/2022-01-domain-hint
* [rgdd, ln5] change add-leaf endpoint proposal (new)
- * https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-add-leaf-endpoint
+ * https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/doc/proposals/2022-01-add-leaf-endpoint
* [rgdd, ln5] change tree-head endpoints proposal (new)
- * https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-tree-head-endpoints
+ * https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/doc/proposals/2022-01-tree-head-endpoints
* Decision: adopt remove arbitrary bytes proposal
diff --git a/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-add-leaf-endpoint b/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-add-leaf-endpoint
deleted file mode 100644
index 3123e02..0000000
--- a/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-add-leaf-endpoint
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-Proposal: change add-leaf endpoint
-Right now a log returns HTTP status 200 OK if it will "try" to merge a submitted
-leaf into its Merkle tree. A submitter should not assume that logging happened
-until they see an inclusion proof that leads up to a (co)signed tree head.
-If a submitted leaf does not show up in the log despite seeing HTTP status 200
-OK, the submitter must resubmit it. When a resubmission is required/expected is
-The reason for this "try" behavior is that log operations become much easier,
-especially in self-hosted environments that do not rely on managed databases.
-In other words, it is OK to just be "pretty sure" that a submitted leaf will be
-persisted and sequenced, and "100%" sure after sequencing actually happened.
-A log should not return HTTP status 200 OK unless:
-1. The submitted leaf has been sequenced as part of a persisted database.
-2. The next tree head that the log signs will contain the submitted leaf.
-HTTP status 3XX is returned with, e.g., "Error=leaf has not been sequenced yet"
-if it is not guaranteed that the submitted leaf has been sequenced.
-This means that logging should be assumed after seeing HTTP status 200 OK. This
-assumption will be confirmed when the submitter obtains the next (co)signed tree
-head. Further investigation is required if it turns out that this assumption is
-An earlier draft of this proposal considered if useful debug information should
-be returned, such as "leaf index", "leaf hash", and "estimated time until a
-cosigned tree head is available". We decided to not go in this direction to
-avoid redundant and unsigned output that may be mis-used and tampered with ("not
-consistent with design").
-(Note that it is easy to determine when the next cosigned tree head will be
-available. The to-sign tree head has a timestamp, and it is rotated every 300s.
-Then it takes an additional 300s before the to-sign tree head is served with
-collected cosignatures.)
-An earlier draft of this proposal also considered to have verifiable output:
- * Option 1: An inclusion proof and a signed tree head
- * Option 2: An inclusion proof and a cosigned tree head
-This could be a worthwhile direction if the submitter can only obtain the
-required data by using the add-leaf endpoint, thus "forcing resubmits until the
-desired output is obtained". Credit to Al Cutter who proposed this (very nice)
-idea to us a while back.
-It is not appropriate to always return an inclusion proof for a signed tree
-head. What we want is for submitters to get inclusion proofs that reference
-cosigned tree heads.
-There are drawbacks to replace the above signed tree head with a cosigned tree
- * A submitter that submits multiple leaves will likely (have to?) retrieve
- the same cosigned tree head multiple times via the add-leaf endpoint. That
- overhead adds up.
- * A submitter will have to be in a "resubmit phase" for several minutes as
- the default, because it takes time before a cosigned tree head becomes
- available.
- * (The most sensible implementation would likely resubmit periodically,
- say, once per minute. A clever implementation would look at the
- timestamp of the to-sign endpoint to determine when is the earliest time
- that a merged may have happened.)
-Moreover, removing the get-inclusion-proof and get-tree-head-cosigned endpoints
-to force usage of add-leaf excludes (or makes for wonky) usage patterns of the
- * "I just want to download all cosigned tree heads to archive them" -> add
- leaves.
- * "I just want to debug/know that the log is committed to have the leaf
- logged, and rely on other witnesses" -> still forced to observe the log's
- cosignatures.
- * "I want an inclusion proof to a particular tree head" -> build the Merkle
- tree yourself to construct that proof. The log's API chooses tree heads for
- you.
- * (Keeping these endpoints in addition to any new add-leaf output would to
- some degree defeat the purpose of adding output, which is why it is not
- considered an option.)
-In gist, we decided to go with a solution that is somewhere in between what we
-did before and what Al Cutter proposed. We defined when a resubmission is (not)
-expected. As a result, a self-hosted log may return at least one HTTP 3XX for
-each leaf request, and a few seconds later return HTTP status 200 OK for the
-same input data.
diff --git a/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-domain-hint b/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-domain-hint
deleted file mode 100644
index 322d9cc..0000000
--- a/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-domain-hint
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Proposal: stricter domain hint requirements
-Right now a log is expected to look up a submitter's public key hash via DNS. A
-domain hint, say, example.com, specifies the location of a TXT RR that contains
-the appropriate key hash in hex-encoding. "Some domain knows about the key".
-Downsides with this:
-1. A log can be instructed to look up arbitrary TXT records
-2. No versioning
-As far as we know there are no amplification threats with (1), but ideally it
-would only be possible to query TXT RRs that are actually relevant for Sigsum.
-Not having any versioning could potentially become a headache. All other log
-endpoints are versioned. There is no good reason to not have versioning here,
-unless that would imply something like registering many different things with
-IANA as a result.
-Require that a domain hint is formatted as:
- _sigsum_v0.*
-Examples of valid domain hints:
- _sigsum_v0.com
- _sigsum_v0.example.com
- _sigsum_v0.sub.example.com
-Examples of invalid domain hints:
- _sigsum_v0hello.example.com
-This change addresses both (1) and (2), without making DNS configs harder.
-For v1 we need to consider if something should be registered with IANA. Credit
-to Patrik Wallström who pointed us towards documentation about labels with
- * https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8552.html
- * https://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/dns-parameters.xhtml#underscored-globally-scoped-dns-node-names
-Note also that the dependency on TXT look-ups means that a "hidden log" via Tor
-would need help from a resolver that is also available over Tor (preferably an
-onion but at minimum reachable over TCP). This is because TXT records cannot be
-resolved over Tor. This proposal allows the used resolver to be restricted to
-only resolve _sigsum_*.
diff --git a/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-get-endpoints b/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-get-endpoints
deleted file mode 100644
index cbe3170..0000000
--- a/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-get-endpoints
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Proposal: change get-* endpoints that use HTTP post
-Right now we HTTP POST ASCII key-value pairs on these endpoints:
- * get-leaves
- * get-inclusion-proof
- * get-consistency-proof
-The original reason was to not have an additional parser, say, input-parameters
-with percent-encoding as part of the request URL.
-A major problem with this approach is that it will not be possible to benefit
-from HTTP caching. Debugging, with "URLs that reference data" also becomes more
-messy. You would have to say "I did printf <stuff> | curl ...".
-Change these endpoints so that they use HTTP GET. Encode input params in URL:
- <url>/get-leaves/10/20 # get leaves 10,11,...20
- <url>/get-consistency-proof/10/20 # proof from tree size 10 to 20
- <url>/get-inclusion-proof/10/<leaf hash in hex> # proof for tree size 10
-This notably avoids percent-encoding which is more messy.
-We considered if it would be a good idea to re-use our ASCII parser for the
-portion of the URL that encodes input data. The basic idea would be that
-different "end of key" and "end of value" patterns could be used that are better
-suited for a URL.
-For example, instead of (=,\n) one could use ([,]) as ("end of key", "end of value").
- * get-leaves/start_size[10]end_size[12]
- * get-consistency-proof/old_size[12]new_size[14]
- * get-inclusion-proof/tree_size[10]leaf_hash[ab...ef]
-The reasons why we aborted this direction:
- * We can not think of any concrete security risk with the shorter '/' proposal.
- * There are very few parameters at play here, hard to confuse and quick
- feedback loop if you do. For example, "Error=start size must be smaller or
- equal to end size".
- * We can be sure that the '/' proposal will not introduce any wonky
- interoperability issues; picking a ("end of key", "end of value") would
- require much more care.
diff --git a/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-tree-head-endpoints b/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-tree-head-endpoints
deleted file mode 100644
index b2831bf..0000000
--- a/archive/2022-01-04-proposal-tree-head-endpoints
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-Proposal: change tree-head endpoints
-Right now the get-tree-head-to-sign endpoint returns the signed tree head that
-witnesses should cosign. It does not return any cosignatures. One needs to
-wait until the to-sign tree head is finalized and served via
-get-tree-head-cosigned. We also have a get-tree-head-latest endpoint that is
-sort of hanging around for "debug purposes".
-It would be nice if a submitter could find required cosignatures without always
-having to wait for five minutes. The log will likely have received a majority
-of cosignatures after one minute, but a submitter currently needs to wait the
-full duration before getting access via the get-tree-head-cosigned endpoint.
-It would also be nice to consider if the get-tree-head-latest endpoint can be
-Here is a rough break-down of how we think about the sigsum API's usage via
- * Submitter
- * add-leaf, until HTTP status 200 OK which should mean "you have been sequenced".
- * [fetching an inclusion proof for a signed tree head to "verify sequencing"
- is not a recommended usage pattern, and does not prevent DoS. The only
- difference is that the submitter would notice that the log has not
- included with regards to the latest tree head sooner than with regards
- to the cosigned tree head. In both cases, there is no proof that
- submitter got 200 OK without getting sequenced.]
- * Distributor
- * get-tree-head-cosigned
- * get-inclusion-proof
- * [wants "enough" cosignatures, sooner rather than later is a soft requirement]
- * Monitor
- * get-leaves
- * get-tree-head-cosigned
- * might hit get-{consistency,inclusion}-proof depending on implementation
- * [wants as many cosignatures as possible, does not care about ~minutes of waiting]
- * Witness
- * get-consistency-proof
- * get-tree-head-to-sign
- * add-cosignature
- * [does not / should not care about other cosignatures; just that the
- log signed and that the tree head is consistent with prior history as
- observed by the witness]
- * End-user
- * [does not hit any of the log's endpoints]
- * "The curious"
- * the latest signed tree head, as fast as possible for quick debug
- probably. "is the thing I'm doing working".
- * the latest cosigned tree head, with as many cosignatures as possible
- for archiving
-Keep in mind that the below proposal should not introduce the log's key hash as
-output on any API endpoint. We removed this and other redundant output because
-that reduces the risk of faulty implementations that operate on untrusted input.
-For example, in the same way that a faulty witness could verify "the wrong
-consistency proof" if it just verified the proof against the tree sizes that the
-log returned redundantly (as opposed to the tree sizes the witness asked for), a
-faulty witness could end-up cosigning a tree head with another log's context
-because "they just copied the key hash and used it because it was there".
-Note that we cannot add the key_hash and cosignature fields to the output of
-get-tree-head-to-sign. Our ASCII parser is so simple that it does not permit
-empty lists. So, we will either need a way to handle empty lists, or tweak our
-endpoints so that they still do what we want without having any empty list.
-[Both rgdd and ln5 would like to avoid complicating the ASCII parser.]
-1. Remove the get-tree-head-latest endpoint. We no longer have any recommended
-usage-pattern for this endpoint and so it should be removed. Our strongest
-arguments for removal are "don't use a signed tree head, it is sort of like a
-promise", and "it does not even help you prove that the log's HTTP status 200 OK
-semantics were faulty".
-2. The get-tree-head-to-sign endpoint is kept as is, but renamed.
- * Purpose: used by witnesses.
-3. Add an endpoint that returns the logs "to-cosign" tree head and all
-cosignatures that were collected thus far. If no cosignatures were received
-yet, return an error to avoid having an empty list as output.
- * Purpose: used by distributors, but could also be used by a witness'
- internal monitoring setup ("is my witness working, are the signatures really
- showing up?").
-4. Keep an endpoint that serves the "finalized" cosigned tree head.
- * Purpose: mainly used by monitors, but could also be used by distributor's
- that don't mind the additional waiting or by parties that want to archive
- cosigned tree heads.
-This proposal currently does not have a name for the above endpoints. Help
-A witness polls the "get-tree-head-to-sign" endpoint as before. Witnesses are
-recommended to poll the log at least once per minute at randomly selected times.
-After a successful add-cosignature request, a witness should not attempt to add
-the same cosignature again. A log can refresh their "to-sign tree head" to
-instruct witnesses to send their cosignatures again for the same tree size.
-A witness operator may check that their cosignatures appear on the
-"get-tree-head-cosigned endpoints". Such checking would likely be part of how
-the operator monitors that the witness operates correctly (i.e., it would not be
-something that the witness software does itself after a successful
-add-cosignature request).
-A submitter ("Signer" in Figure 1) that wants a cosigned tree head that
-satisifies a given policy as fast as possible can poll the "dynamic cosigned
-tree head endpoint". Keep in mind that polling more than a few times per minute
-would not let you obtain cosignatures much faster, see the above recommendation
-for how often witnesses should provide their cosignatures.
-A helpful reflection with regards to naming:
- * "The log's to-sign STH shows up, it gets filled-up with cosignatures; the
- previous cosigned tree head is served on a separate endpoint. Then
- "prev=curr, curr=new". I.e., there is a time aspect here that might be
- helpful for naming, although previous and current would be bad choices."
diff --git a/archive/2022-01-18--meeting-minutes b/archive/2022-01-18--meeting-minutes
index 5040581..fafd4a9 100644
--- a/archive/2022-01-18--meeting-minutes
+++ b/archive/2022-01-18--meeting-minutes
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ Status round
* [rgdd, ln5] started sketching on what www.sigsum.org might be eventually
* https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/archive/2022-01-18-future-website-sketch
* [rgdd] start using the terminology "author" and "reader" proposal
- * https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/archive/2022-01-18-proposal-author-reader-terminology
+ * https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/doc/proposals/2022-01-author-reader-terminology
* [rgdd] redefine "base URL" as "log URL" proposal
- * https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/archive/2022-01-18-proposal-log-url
+ * https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/doc/proposals/2022-01-proposal-log-url
* [ln5, rgdd] continued work on logotype
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ Decisions
* Author seems like a good abstraction definition
* Reader seems less good
* Decision: redefine "base URL" as "log URL"
- * <insert proposed decision here>
Next steps
* [rgdd] tree-head endpoint implementation, think about replacement for "reader"
diff --git a/archive/2022-01-18-proposal-author-reader-terminology b/archive/2022-01-18-proposal-author-reader-terminology
deleted file mode 100644
index fb447d2..0000000
--- a/archive/2022-01-18-proposal-author-reader-terminology
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Start using the terminology "author" and "reader" proposal
-Figure 1 in doc/design.md refers to
- a) the party producing a signed checksum as "Signer", and
- b) the party verifying a signed checksum as "Verifier".
-This is fine in isolation, but less appropriate when looking at it from a
-broader Sigsum perspective. For example, a "Signer" may also be a "Submitter".
-It seems like we are mixing terminology for roles and concrete actors here.
-The above is also ambiguous. For example, logs and witnesses sign things;
-witnesses and monitors verify things.
-1) Replace "Signer" with "Author" when we are talking about a concrete party.
-According to Wikipedia's definition (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Author), an
-'author is "the person who originated or gave existence to anything" and whose
-authorship determines responsibility for what was created'. This seems
-appropriate for us.
-The term "author" has been used in academic litterature before us for similar
- * "In the setting of transparency logging [18] as depicted in Fig. 1, the
- author generates events intended for recipients that describe data
- processing by the author as it takes place"
- * Link to paper: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-45741-3_7
-2) Replace "Verifier" with "Reader" when we are talking about a concrete party.
-According to Wikipedia's definition (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reading),
-"[r]eading is the process of taking in the sense or meaning of letters, symbols,
-etc., especially by sight or touch". Although the latter is not a perfect
-description for us, the first part is quite close and we could argue that we are
-in the "etc" category.
-The main idea here is that it should feel intuitive that an author has readers.
diff --git a/archive/2022-01-18-proposal-log-url b/archive/2022-01-18-proposal-log-url
deleted file mode 100644
index 598fb43..0000000
--- a/archive/2022-01-18-proposal-log-url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Redefine "base URL" as "log URL" proposal
-The current api.md specification requires that a log has a fixed unique "base
-URL". It is any valid HTTP(S) URL that can end with "/sigsum/v0/<endpoint>".
-Remove the term "base URL" and instead define "log URL". A log URL is a valid
-HTTP(S) URL that ends with "/sigsum/v0/". Example of a valid log URL:
- https://example.com:4711/opposum/sigsum/v0/
-This means that a named sigsum endpoint can be appended to a log's URL. For
-example, if the endpoint is "get-tree-head-quickly" the resulting "endpoint URL"
-would be:
- https://example.com:4711/opposum/sigsum/v0/get-tree-head-quickly/
-And with input parameters for "get-leaves":
- https://example.com:4711/opposum/sigsum/v0/get-leaves/42/4711/
-Note the final slash in all of the above URLs. Should that be enforced (?).
- * XXX: Need to check in URL specification(s). Defer for now.