path: root/assets
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8 files changed, 522 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/assets/LICENCE b/assets/LICENCE
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index 0000000..8bf071f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/LICENCE
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+Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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diff --git a/assets/README.md b/assets/README.md
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+# Assets
+Sigsum's brand assets are included here. Use responsibly.
+## Font
+A geometric sans-serif font named [outfit][]. It is [SIL OFL][] licensed.
+[outfit]: https://outfit.io/outfit-font
+[SIL OFL]: https://github.com/Outfitio/Outfit-Fonts/blob/main/OFL.txt
+## Colors
+The color codes are:
+ - \#FAF9F5, rgba(250, 249, 245, 1)
+ - \#333333, rgba(51, 51, 51, 1)
+ - \#DB4D2C, rgba(219, 77, 44, 1)
+ - \#581303, rgba(219, 77, 44, 1)
+ - \#6B60E3, rgba(107, 96, 227, 1)
+## Visuals
+All visuals are [CC BY-SA 4.0][] licensed.
+[CC BY-SA 4.0]: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
+## Avatar
+![Sigsum avatar](avatar.svg =100x)
+## Logo
+### Plain
+![Sigsum logo plain](logo.svg =300x)
+### Light background
+![Sigsum logo background gray](logo-light.svg =400x)
+### Orange background
+![Sigsum logo background orange](logo-orange.svg =400x)
+### Dark background
+![Sigsum logo background dark orange](logo-dark.svg =400x)
+## Acknowledgment
+Lars Wästfelt developed Sigsum's brand assets.
diff --git a/assets/avatar.svg b/assets/avatar.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ec5e63
--- /dev/null
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