Meeting agenda template. Agenda * Hello * Status round * Discuss * Next steps Hello * Status round * Discuss * Next steps * Other useful links * Weekly process. * Our conversations happen on irc * Use etherpads if it is helpful, e.g., to summarize a discusison, conclusion, etc. * Use 60 days expiry * Add link to meeting agenda if it should be persisted ("status report") * We keep the next meeting agenda etherpad in our irc channel topic * Tuesday * Open video/voice meeting * Jitsi * 1300-1400 CEST * We keep the meeting link in the announced meeting pad * After the meeting * Meeting chair persists all etherpad links that were added to the agenda as is * Meeting chair cleans up the resulting meeting minutes if need be * Meeting chair persists the meeting minutes etherpad * Meeting chair posts the link to the next week's meeting agenda / minutes on irc. fixme: think about git process, issues, PRSs, etc., based on where we move. * * defer until after vaccay, stay on github for now * create new repos there as we see fit fixme: do we need a mailing list? * defer until after vaccay Repos * sigsum, sigsum-project? * redirect here for now? * example structure below $ tree . ├── archive │ ├── 2021-06-22--minutes │ ├── 2021-06-22-sketch-on-how-we-work-together │ └── 2021-06-22-witness-timestamp-verification ├── doc │ ├── │ ├── │ └── ├── ├── └── website * sigsum-lib-go * cmd: sigsum-format * cmd: sigsum-verify * sigsum-log-go * Trillian personality * sigsum-witness-py