Summary * Announce via mailing list * It happens in our community * It makes it easy to respond * It makes it easy to forward * We can keep our website minimal for now (landing page) * Announcements seem to be relatively short * Max 500 words is probably a good rule of thumb * Shorter if you have a few polished links to reference * Possible points to make, also based on what we discussed before * What type of project are we * What is the project about * What is the purpose of project announcement * What is the timeline leading up to announcement * What is the current project status * What are the next steps * Who is involved, people and funders * Relevant links to help the reader navigate sigsum * (Get feedback from a communicator) Other things to keep in mind * Double check that what we are linking is in good enough shape * E.g., small TODOs in sigsum-log-go (fix links) * We should think about what questions people might have in response to announcement * Perhaps it would be a good idea to give FAQ some love * Try to avoid too much detail, we can make sigsum blog posts at a later stage * The fact that we are aware of sigstore should probably be clear * Let people ask, that's fine --- Warning: I have not spent much time verifying if there were other announcements than the ones specified below. It is the result of a v. quick search / analysis. (Some of the below links are not even project announcements, but rather announcement of 'we are developing or developed cool thing XXX'. I kept everything I found useful as inspiration in case it helps anyone else.) Debian * * See ยง1.1 * How: mail * Points * This is a work in progress * It is cool because XXX * Purpose of anouncement is XXX * It is better than XXX because A,B,... Tails (back then amnesia) * * How: mail * Points * This work is about XXX * Licence is XXX * Purpose of announcement is XXX * We prefer if you get in touch via XXX Qubes * * How: post on website * Points * Timeline before announcing project * Project is about doing XXX * Current project status is XXX * Learn more via resources XXX Signal * * How: post on website * Points * Timeline leading up to announcement * Mision and work is about XXX * Next steps * Who is involved * "Give it a try!" Wireguard * * How: Mail * Points * Been at this for a while, confident enough to launch now * Purpose of launch is XXX * Link relevant resources (paper, website, git, mailing list) * One paragraph primer (118 words) Firecracker * * How: post on website * Points * We are launching product XXX * Key concepts are XXX * How it is used / can be used * Visit XXX to learn more System Transparency * * How: post on website * Points * Key questions and background that motivated this work * We believe that ST gives you the ability to XXX * Call to action * Little detail, link to ST white paper Sigstore * How: press releases on partner websites * * Points * What is the problem * Announcement project with goal/mission XXX * Problem space is related to XXX, involved tehniques are... * Collaboration is between XXX * Request for feedback * Next steps * * Points * Collaborators XXX want to achive XXX * Quotes from involved people that explain idea and purpose * Refer to website for more information