Date: 2021-10-19, 1300 CEST Meet: Chair: rgdd Agenda * Hello * Status round * Discuss * Next steps Hello * rgdd * ln5 Status round * [rgdd, ln5, kfreds] added * * [rgdd, rohonk] outlined a rough plan for a sigsum paper next year * * [rgdd] a claimant model example (warning: sketch) * bring sigsum's witnessing to a different log ecosystem * * [rgdd] project launched * Discuss * Revisit milestones * September, October: checked at the same time * November: was "poc use-case" * Decision: keep, also fix a user-friendly example with tooling * Decision: dog food sharding the coming months * Enumerate and prioritize our backlog * sigsum (documentation, design) * Few open design details to be considered, see archive 2021-10-05 * Especially signature would be good to revisit * Decision: defer, see if we get some other feedback to consider as well * sigsum-lib-go (tooling) * Library (rgdd) * Commands (rgdd) * sigsum-log-go * rate limits (Decision: defer) * read-only mode (rgdd) * server config (Decision: defer) * metrics (Decision: defer) * experimental checkpoint endpoint (rgdd) * hsm support (Decision: defer) * "run locally documentation" (Decision: defer, same time as server config) * sigsum-witness-py (ln5) * shard rotation? * error handling * metrics * hsm (Decision: defer) * research * formal security proof (rohonk) * Operations (Decision: defer) * Log database * Alerts, also in irc/matrix? (maybe ln5) * Multi-instance tree head manager, required if >1 log FEs * Project * License legality: Copyright by whom? What CLA? (ln5) * other docs? * * mailing list - dmarc etc. (ln5) * Dog fooding (use-cases) * ST (Decision: yes, after sigsum-lib-go) * SRI * Witness CT logs * Map mode for sigsum * A toy that is non-cs? (Decision: yes, after sigsum-lib-go) * Mailing list transparency? Next steps * [rgdd] sigsum-lib-go, read-only mode, and experimental checkpoint endpoint * [ln5] sigsum-witness-py, enhanced mailing list configuration, and CLA