A half-baked idea related to ssh format proposal, needs thinking and verification v-----the part that is hashed is ยง3 struct----v checksum := H("stuff" + "namespace with shard hint" + H(data)) sig := Sign(sk, checksum) sig over checksum is what ssh-keygen -Y produces given sk, namespace, data? Submit with same formats as before: - vk - shard hint - H(data), "easily produced with sha256sum" - sig, "easily produced with ssh-keygen -Y and re-encoded to just be hex sig bytes" - domain hint Log computes checksum based on the above to verify signature Log does the normal "ok shard hint, ok domain hint checks" Log then accepts and creates leaf Leaf - checksum - sig - vk shard_hint is not needed in leaf now, could be where data is Monitor can verify signature if they know vk as before