# Log operators BCP ## Outgoing DNS queries Note that a log will be making an outgoing DNS query for a TXT record for each call to add-leaf. The name that is being looked up is chosen by the client. The implementation in sigsum-log-go currently uses the system resolver (it is easy to add other options). Operators with a strict policy for what goes out of their systems will have to allow arbitrary TXT records. This should not be a problem wrt DoS since it's not a venue for amplification attacks (the add-leaf request is quite large compared with the DNS request generated) and generation of excess amounts of outgoing traffic is mitigated by DNS resolvers performing caching. Question: would there be any value in adding some restriction for what the name must be? E.g., what if the left-most part had to be "sigsum"? * Example: dig -t txt sigsum.rgdd.se * This would allow stricter filtering than "all TXT records for all names" which might be useful, but I'm not sure yet. If we did this, I think we should use a label prefixed by an underscore, f.ex. "_sigsum" to avoid collisions with natural names.