Date: 2021-12-21 1200 UTC Meet: Chair: rgdd Agenda * Hello * Status round * Decisions * Next steps Hello * rgdd * ln5 Status round * [rgdd] sigsum-lib-go * tag v0.0.1 * pretty much what we had before but cleaner * thinking about reverting to a "dumber ascii parser implementation" * [rgdd] sigsum-log-go * tag v0.3.3 * added experimental checkpoint endpoint * deployed by ln5 * most recent commits (not yet tagged) * picked-up sigsum-lib-go v0.0.1 * some refactoring as a result * [rgdd] milestone 'production log' and associated work packages * * [ln5] onboarding, email stack and investigating database failover Decisions * Decision: milestone 'production log' with associated work packages (~5 months) * see detailed description in the above status round link * 1) rgdd + ln5 * 2) ln5 * 3) ln5 * 4) ln5 (implement minor fixes) + anwesha (sysadmin sides of alerts) * 5) rgdd + undecided Next steps * [rgdd] implement ssh signing format in sigsum-lib-go * [rgdd, ln5] address open design TODOs that are marked as in-scope * [ln5] list manager distributing our list properly * [ln5] sigsum-witness-py using the SSH signing format * [ln5] continued investigation of database failover and hardware procurement * [ln5] git-bug, use it or not? * [anwesha] test environment for pads with ansible