Date: 2022-01-04 1200 UTC Meet: Chair: rgdd Agenda * Hello * Status round * Decisions * Next steps Hello * rgdd * ln5 Status round * [rgdd, ln5] remove arbitrary bytes proposal (re-opened) * * [rgdd, ln5] change get-* endpoints that use HTTP post proposal (new) * * [rgdd, ln5] stricter domain hint verification proposal (new) * * [rgdd, ln5] change add-leaf endpoint proposal (new) * * [rgdd, ln5] change tree-head endpoints proposal (new) * Decisions * Decision: adopt remove arbitrary bytes proposal * Decision: adopt change get-* endpoints that use HTTP post proposal * Decision: adopt stricter domain hint verification proposal * proposal text would benefit from a few minutes of clean-up * rgdd will fix before persisting proposal * Decision: adopt change add-leaf endpoint proposal * proposal text needs a minor update due to the get-tree-head-endpoint proposal * rgdd will fix before persisting proposal * Decision: change tree-head endpoints proposal * proposal endpoints need name, but does not need to be decided right now Next steps * [rgdd] minor fixes to the above proposal pads before persisting * [rgdd] start updating documentation based on the last round of proposals * [ln5] start working towards sigsum-log-go v0.4.0 * ssh sig * remove arbitrary bytes * stricter domain name verification * change get-* endpoints that use HTTP POST * change add-leaf endpoint * tree head endpoints (rgdd will take this ~next week) * (Warning: not everything until next week.) * [ln5] update openssh patch