# Choosing font for logo and website : how and why? We intended to use Font Rund [0] for Sigsum website and logo. Rund is licensed under Letters from Sweden [1]. It falls under the purview of proprietory license. We needed to decide on whether to stick with Rund or to go for another font licensed under SIL OFL [2] or any other permissive/Open Source/Free Software one. Before jumping into the conclusion we considered the following scenarios - If the Sigsum developers and the community at large can freely use and/or develop and/or contribute in the website or logo of the project? - Do we need customized permission for every developer working in it? ## Decision We decided not to use Rund. Choose a font which is licensed under SIL OFL. ## Difference between SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE 1.1 and Letters from Sweden (Desktop Fonts) 1. If we consider different types of font licenses in a line, then SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE 1.1 and Letters from Sweden (Desktop Fonts) belong to the extreme opposite side of the spectrum. While OFL follows the schema of Free and Open Source, Letters from Sweden (Desktop Fonts) is of utmost proprietory. 2. Terms Letters of Sweden intends to control the entire usage of the font and the end-users. OFL stands for the freedom of the end-user. 3. LoS is vague in its wording regarding the definition of entity, derivative work, etc. In contrast, OFL is sufficiently worded to cover our intended usage and aligned with our free and open-source ethos. 4. When we choose a license, we choose a community and set the community's expectation at large towards our project, OFL fits that bracket. ## Trademark and Copyright overlap : To trademark the logo design in the future will create a weird overlap between copyright law (especially around open source licenses) and trademark law, in which the open-source license may grant permission to use the logo in a way that could be restricted by trademark law. However, our lack of knowledge in Swedish Intellectual Property laws makes us unsure whether it will not. ## Reasoning for the decision: We could use for website and never needed permission for each developer working on it. It was logo where we got stuck. The license in the current form and wording is strictly commercial therefore limits our usage. Also the license does not define/recognise Open Source project in any form. There is another topic which might be potential issue i.e overlap of Trademark and Copyright, we do not want to deal that. The whole thought process can be found in the pad. Also we have presentation [3] on Font licensing overall and specific to our use-case. ## Miscellaneous Notes Under this we contain the highlights of our discussion that led to our abovementioned decision. ### Some practical usecase/questions to consider - If we can print merchendise with our logo designed with the particular font on it? - If someone/some group from the community at large wants to use font as a text in a merchandise/webpage for some stuff related to sigsum what will be the fate then? (Say a developer from Japan wants to print a t-shirt with Sigsum logo and text -"Join Sigsum") - Does every developer developing the website needs to get the font license separately or there is an option for volume licensing? ### Possible outcomes Utopia: Letters of Sweden license the font (Rund) to us under OFL or an equivalently free license. The Swap: We change to another less nice font, but with a nicer license. The Ostriche: We go ahead using Rund with their license and fix any issues with it later. ## The Motivation and the discussion before making the decision **We should not be using Rund at all.** Taking explicit permission from LoS will require substantially much work, communication, persuasion from our side, killing the precious time of our actual project work. The overlap between trademark and copyright is an entirely unknown arena right now. Also, since Fonts licensed under OFL is used in various open-source projects around the community, it will be easy to apply the foss norms/rules here. Lars came up with the idea of a tailor-made for us licensed under SIL. Nevertheless, this is out-of-scope because the goal project Sigsum is way different from font creation. Further, this option is too costly for us. ## References 0. https://lettersfromsweden.se/font/rund/ 1. https://lettersfromsweden.se/license/ 2. https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=OFL_web 3. https://slides.com/dascommunity/font-licensing-sigsum-project