Date: 2022-03-15 1200 UTC Meet: Chair: rgdd Agenda * Hello * Status round * Decisions * Next steps Hello * rgdd * Anwesha * ln5 Status round * [rgdd, db, kfreds, ln5] best-effort comparison of sigsum and sigstore's rekor * * [ln5] making progress on sigsum-{lib,log}-go * draft: sshsig * would like to pin down some dates for when features are landing * [ln5] two log machines ordered, being built this week * [Anwesha] working on new ansible roles Decisions * None Next steps * [rgdd] review sshsig in sigsum-{lib,log}-go * [rgdd] update hugo template and bring in sigsum logo and colors when available * [rgdd] some kind of overview board, related to milestones and dates * [ln5] log v0 feature completion * [ln5] mariadb replication testing * [Anwesha] ip sanitation : up and running in all servers * [Anwesha] apache new role : continue