# History This is a living document that documents the history of the Sigsum project. ## 2019 Mullvad VPN announced a project named System Transparency [\[1\]](https://mullvad.net/en/blog/2019/6/3/system-transparency-future/). System Transparency is a security architecture for bare-metal servers that aims to make a system's boot chain remotely verifiable by any interested party [\[2\]](https://www.system-transparency.org/). Fredrik Strömberg presented the System Transparency design at PUTS [\[3\]](https://petsymposium.org/2019/files/workshop/abstracts/PUT_2019_paper_32.pdf). One part of the design included a Certificate Transparency log [\[4\]](https://mullvad.net/media/system-transparency-rev5.pdf). Rasmus Dahlberg suggested use of a separate System Transparency log. ## 2020 In October, Fredrik Strömberg and Rasmus Dahlberg started focused design iterations on a transparency log that would be better suited for the System Transparency project [\[5\]](https://github.com/system-transparency/stfe/commit/40250377da81864e9e502b803c0543c48e4a0615). ## 2021 Linus Nordberg joined the System Transparency logging discussions in January. A few months later, drafts of the resulting design were presented at PADSEC [\[6\]](https://web.archive.org/web/20210427203606/https://hopin.com/events/padsec) and SWITS [\[7,](https://web.archive.org/web/20210603112144/https://swits.hotell.kau.se/AnnualSeminars/SWITS%202021/SWITS_2021/SWITS2021_Programme.htm) [8\]](https://web.archive.org/web/20210923134324/https://swits.hotell.kau.se/AnnualSeminars/SWITS%202021/SWITS_2021/SWITS_2021_paper_17.pdf). In June, Fredrik Strömberg, Rasmus Dahlberg, and Linus Nordberg decided to rebrand System Transparency logging as a separate project that is funded but not governed by Mullvad VPN [\[9\]](https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/archive/2021-06-21--meeting-minutes). The Sigsum Project launched in October [\[10\]](). It is managed by Rasmus Dahlberg (Mullvad VPN) and Linus Nordberg (independent).