Proposal: stricter domain hint requirements Background --- Right now a log is expected to look up a submitter's public key hash via DNS. A domain hint, say,, specifies the location of a TXT RR that contains the appropriate key hash in hex-encoding. "Some domain knows about the key". Downsides with this: 1. A log can be instructed to look up arbitrary TXT records 2. No versioning As far as we know there are no amplification threats with (1), but ideally it would only be possible to query TXT RRs that are actually relevant for Sigsum. Not having any versioning could potentially become a headache. All other log endpoints are versioned. There is no good reason to not have versioning here, unless that would imply something like registering many different things with IANA as a result. Proposal --- Require that a domain hint is formatted as: _sigsum_v0.* Examples of valid domain hints: Examples of invalid domain hints: This change addresses both (1) and (2), without making DNS configs harder. Notes --- For v1 we need to consider if something should be registered with IANA. Credit to Patrik Wallström who pointed us towards documentation about labels with underscores: * * Note also that the dependency on TXT look-ups means that a "hidden log" via Tor would need help from a resolver that is also available over Tor (preferably an onion but at minimum reachable over TCP). This is because TXT records cannot be resolved over Tor. This proposal allows the used resolver to be restricted to only resolve _sigsum_*.