Proposal: no quick tree-head endpoint Refer to for background. This proposal suggests that we only have two tree head endpoints. 1. get-tree-head-to-cosign -> signed tree head. This is the tree head that witnesses are currently cosigning. This endpoint is only meant to be used by witnesses. 2. get-tree-head-cosigned -> cosigned tree head. This is the finalized tree head that witnesses have finished cosigning. The list of cosignatures is thus fixed. The to-cosign and cosigned tree heads are rotated every $n minutes. A typical value of $n is likely going to be five (5). It might be lower if witnesses accept to work more. Pros: * Less complex API. It has fewer endpoints and no choice between a "quick" or "slow" get-tree-head-cosigned endpoint. No choices means easier tooling, fewer mistakes. * It might be reasonable to speed up the "slow" endpoint by other means, see above. It is also worth pointing out another pro that we already got from removing the get-tree-head-latest endpoint. A submitter is forced to wait a bit, even for a signed tree head. This makes it less appealing to "go with a signed tree head because its fast". The name of the only signed tree head endpoint also discourages usage by submitters.