# Proposal Replace the "domain_hint" key in the input to the add-leaf endpoint with "rate-limit". The value associated with the "rate-limit" key is on the format: method:data where the defined methods are: - dns: the exact same semantics as today's domain hint - token: a shared secret that is negotiated between submitter and the log operator out-of-band Example of a rate-limit line using DNS: rate_limit=dns:_sigsum_v0.example.org Example of a rate-limit line using token: rate_limit=token:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The "rate_limt" key must not be repeated. The "rate_limit" key may be omitted. It is then up to the log server to accept or reject the user's requests. # Motivation There are more ways to establish something to rate-limit on than domain hints. The name "domain_hint" is also not descrptive; it makes understanding harder. It is also plausible that a log operator wants to run without a rate limit in some environments. The above change permits this as well.