# Proposal Replace "shard_hint" with "untrusted_timestamp". A log requires untrusted_timestamp to contain an integer, seconds since epoch, in the span [now()-24h, now()] ie which is not in the future and not older than 24h. # Background add-leaf's "shard_hint" argument protects against entries being "replayed" between logs, notably including between two shards of a given log, eg MyLog2022 and MyLog2023. # Motivation - The current design with shard hint makes it possible for anyone to replay entries in log A to log B at any time after they've been submitted to log A (assuming the two logs are configured with overlapping shard hint intervals). - Bonus: Getting rid of the name "hint" which is not very intuitive. # Rationale - One problem with replayed entries is that anyone can consume a submitter's rate limit in another log long after it was actually submitted. - Another problem with replayed entries which we do not address here is filling up a log operators disk. This is mitigated with stricter rate limiting, see "rate_limit".