# About Sigsum is a free and open source software project that [launched officially][] in October, 2021. The goal is to provide a minimal building block that can be used to enforce public logging of signed checksums. [launched officially]: https://lists.sigsum.org/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/sigsum-general@lists.sigsum.org/thread/ZCWCOWYTBQSVYWADEHBAWYEHNS3FJ6RK/ ## Core members - Anwesha Das (anwesha) - Fredrik Strömberg (kfreds) - Linus Nordberg (ln5) - Rasmus Dahlberg (rgdd) ## Sponsors - [DFRI][], mailing list infrastructure - [Mullvad VPN][], financial funder [Mullvad VPN]: https://www.mullvad.net [DFRI]: https://www.dfri.se