path: root/pkg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg')
9 files changed, 530 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/client/api/api.go b/pkg/client/api/api.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d773bcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/client/api/api.go
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// package api implements the Sigsum v0 API. See
+// https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/doc/api.md
+// for further details. No verification, retries, etc., is done here.
+package api
+import (
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-lib-go/pkg/requests"
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-lib-go/pkg/types"
+type API interface {
+ GetToCosignTreeHead() (*types.SignedTreeHead, error)
+ GetCosignedTreeHead() (*types.CosignedTreeHead, error)
+ GetInclusionProof(treeSize uint64, leafHash *types.Hash) (*types.InclusionProof, error)
+ GetConsistencyProof(oldSize, newSize uint64) (*types.ConsistencyProof, error)
+ GetLeaves(startSize, endSize uint64) (*types.Leaves, error)
+ AddLeaf(*requests.Leaf) error
+ AddCosignature(*requests.Cosignature) error
diff --git a/pkg/client/api/network_client.go b/pkg/client/api/network_client.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7baf76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/client/api/network_client.go
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+package api
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "log"
+ "net/http"
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-lib-go/pkg/requests"
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-lib-go/pkg/types"
+type NetworkClient struct {
+ http.Client
+ LogURL string
+func NewNetworkClient(httpClient http.Client, logURL string) *NetworkClient {
+ return &NetworkClient{
+ Client: httpClient,
+ LogURL: logURL,
+ }
+func (c *NetworkClient) GetToCosignTreeHead() (*types.SignedTreeHead, error) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("TODO")
+func (c *NetworkClient) GetCosignedTreeHead() (*types.CosignedTreeHead, error) {
+ rsp, err := c.get(types.EndpointGetTreeHeadCosigned.Path(c.LogURL))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: HTTP %d: %s", rsp.StatusCode, errorMessage(rsp.Body))
+ }
+ defer rsp.Body.Close()
+ if rsp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: HTTP %d: %s", rsp.StatusCode, errorMessage(rsp.Body))
+ }
+ var cth types.CosignedTreeHead
+ if err := cth.FromASCII(rsp.Body); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: HTTP %d: %s", rsp.StatusCode, errorMessage(rsp.Body))
+ }
+ return &cth, nil
+func (c *NetworkClient) GetInclusionProof(treeSize uint64, leafHash *types.Hash) (*types.InclusionProof, error) {
+ data := requests.InclusionProof{
+ TreeSize: treeSize,
+ LeafHash: *leafHash,
+ }
+ buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
+ if err := data.ToASCII(buf); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: invalid request data: %v", err)
+ }
+ rsp, err := c.post(types.EndpointGetInclusionProof.Path(c.LogURL), buf)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: invalid proof request: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer rsp.Body.Close()
+ if rsp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: HTTP %d: %s", rsp.StatusCode, errorMessage(rsp.Body))
+ }
+ var proof types.InclusionProof
+ if err := proof.FromASCII(rsp.Body, treeSize); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: failed parsing response: %v", err)
+ }
+ return &proof, nil
+func (c *NetworkClient) GetConsistencyProof(oldSize, newSize uint64) (*types.ConsistencyProof, error) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("TODO")
+func (c *NetworkClient) GetLeaves(startSize, endSize uint64) (*types.Leaves, error) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("TODO")
+func (c *NetworkClient) AddLeaf(leaf *requests.Leaf) error {
+ buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
+ if err := leaf.ToASCII(buf); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("client: invalid request data: %v", err)
+ }
+ rsp, err := c.post(types.EndpointAddLeaf.Path(c.LogURL), buf)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("client: HTTP %d: %s", rsp.StatusCode, errorMessage(rsp.Body))
+ }
+ defer rsp.Body.Close()
+ if rsp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
+ return fmt.Errorf("client: HTTP %d: %s", rsp.StatusCode, errorMessage(rsp.Body))
+ }
+ return nil
+func (c *NetworkClient) AddCosignature(*requests.Cosignature) error {
+ return fmt.Errorf("TODO")
+func (c *NetworkClient) get(url string) (*http.Response, error) {
+ log.Printf("GET %s", url)
+ return c.Get(url)
+func (c *NetworkClient) post(url string, buf *bytes.Buffer) (*http.Response, error) {
+ req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, buf)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: invalid leaf request: %v", err)
+ }
+ log.Printf("POST %s", url)
+ return c.Do(req)
+func errorMessage(r io.Reader) string {
+ b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
+ return string(b)
+ // TODO: the below doesn't work because log error messages are malformed
+ //msg := struct {
+ // Message string `ascii:"Error"`
+ //}{}
+ //if err := ascii.StdEncoding.Deserialize(r, &msg); err != nil {
+ // return fmt.Sprintf("malformed error message: %v", err)
+ //}
+ //return msg.Message
diff --git a/pkg/client/submitter.go b/pkg/client/submitter.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f03e66a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/client/submitter.go
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+package client
+import (
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "log"
+ "net/http"
+ "time"
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-lib-go/pkg/requests"
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-lib-go/pkg/types"
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-tool-go/pkg/client/api"
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-tool-go/pkg/policy"
+type Submitter interface {
+ AddLeaves(context.Context, []requests.Leaf) ([]Bundle, error)
+type SubmitClient struct {
+ api api.API
+ policy policy.Policy
+// TODO: should signature+key_hash (not) be in bundle?
+type Bundle struct {
+ ShardHint uint64
+ Signature types.Signature
+ KeyHash types.Hash
+ InclusionProof types.InclusionProof
+ CosignedTreeHead types.CosignedTreeHead
+func NewSubmitClient(policy policy.Policy) *SubmitClient {
+ return &SubmitClient{
+ policy: policy,
+ }
+// TODO: feedback on the below sketch; improve it; implement properly.
+// 0. Select one log in policy, setup API network client.
+// 1. Loop over all leaves that have yet to received 200 OK. Move on to
+// the next leaf on a non-200 status code, trying again next itteration.
+// 3. Try to fetch an inclusion proof for the latest HTTP 200 OK
+// response every time a new cosigned tree head becomes available.
+// Output warning if more than two cosigned tree heads pass.
+// 4. Loop over all leaves and fetch inclusion proofs for X.
+// [Exit with error if any inclusion proof is not available / invalid]
+// 5. Return bundles in the same order as leaves were passed.
+func (sc *SubmitClient) AddLeaves(_ context.Context, leaves []requests.Leaf) ([]Bundle, error) {
+ if err := sc.newAPI(); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: %v", err)
+ }
+ for _, leaf := range leaves {
+ err := sc.api.AddLeaf(&leaf)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ start := time.Now().Unix()
+ var bundles []Bundle
+ for {
+ cth, err := sc.api.GetCosignedTreeHead()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("client: %v", err)
+ }
+ // TODO: verify that cth is valid for policy
+ ok := true
+ bundles = nil
+ for _, leaf := range leaves {
+ l := types.Leaf{
+ Statement: types.Statement{
+ ShardHint: leaf.ShardHint,
+ Checksum: leaf.Checksum,
+ },
+ Signature: leaf.Signature,
+ KeyHash: *types.HashFn(leaf.VerificationKey[:]),
+ }
+ lh := types.HashFn(append([]byte{0x00}, l.ToBinary()...))
+ log.Printf("leaf hash is: %x", lh[:])
+ proof, err := sc.api.GetInclusionProof(cth.TreeSize, lh)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Printf("no inclusion proof for tree size %d yet, please wait.\n", cth.TreeSize)
+ ok = false
+ break
+ }
+ // TODO: verify that inclusion proof is valid
+ bundles = append(bundles, Bundle{
+ ShardHint: l.ShardHint,
+ Signature: l.Signature,
+ KeyHash: l.KeyHash,
+ InclusionProof: *proof,
+ CosignedTreeHead: *cth,
+ })
+ }
+ if ok {
+ break
+ }
+ time.Sleep(15 * time.Second)
+ log.Printf("waited %d seconds...\n", time.Now().Unix()-start)
+ }
+ return bundles, nil
+func (sc *SubmitClient) newAPI() error {
+ // TODO: select a log properly.
+ sc.api = api.NewNetworkClient(http.Client{}, sc.policy.Logs()[0].LogURL)
+ return nil
+func (b *Bundle) ToASCII(w io.Writer) error {
+ return fmt.Errorf("TODO")
+func (b *Bundle) FromASCII(r io.Reader) error {
+ return fmt.Errorf("TODO")
+func (b *Bundle) Verify(k *types.PublicKey, p *policy.Policy, r io.Reader) error {
+ return fmt.Errorf("TODO")
diff --git a/pkg/policy/default.go b/pkg/policy/default.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f35fa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/policy/default.go
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+package policy
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-lib-go/pkg/types"
+type DefaultPolicy struct{}
+// Verify checks if the cosigned tree head satisifies the policy "one log and
+// a majority of witnesses". Any unverifiable cosignatures are removed.
+func (dp *DefaultPolicy) Verify(*types.CosignedTreeHead) error {
+ return fmt.Errorf("TODO")
+func (dp *DefaultPolicy) Logs() []Log {
+ return []Log{
+ Log{
+ Name: "Test log operated by ln5",
+ LogURL: "https://poc.sigsum.org/glasswing-butterfly/sigsum/v0",
+ PublicKey: types.PublicKey{
+ 74, 179, 210, 181,
+ 30, 71, 220, 157,
+ 228, 204, 228, 189,
+ 235, 169, 224, 134,
+ 34, 233, 58, 47,
+ 127, 137, 180, 203,
+ 119, 25, 127, 198,
+ 176, 4, 77, 231,
+ },
+ ShardStart: 1639579652,
+ TrustUntil: 1648771200, // Apr 1 2022
+ },
+ }
+func (dp *DefaultPolicy) Witnesses() []Witness {
+ return []Witness{
+ Witness{
+ Name: "Test witness operated by rgdd",
+ PublicKey: types.PublicKey{
+ 129, 45, 190, 240,
+ 21, 107, 7, 158,
+ 45, 4, 135, 71,
+ 178, 24, 156, 191,
+ 166, 79, 150, 226,
+ 32, 74, 23, 203,
+ 35, 203, 82, 128,
+ 128, 135, 21, 3,
+ },
+ TrustUntil: 1648771200, // Apr 1 2022
+ },
+ }
+// ShardHint returns the smallest shard hint that all logs accept
+func (dp *DefaultPolicy) ShardHint() uint64 {
+ var shardHint uint64
+ for _, l := range dp.Logs() {
+ if l.ShardStart > shardHint {
+ shardHint = l.ShardStart
+ }
+ }
+ return shardHint
diff --git a/pkg/policy/policy.go b/pkg/policy/policy.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4fe920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/policy/policy.go
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package policy
+import (
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-lib-go/pkg/types"
+type Policy interface {
+ // Logs returns the list of known logs. It is needed so that an
+ // appropriate log can be picked when submitting a signed checksum.
+ Logs() []Log
+ // ShardHint returns a recommended shard hint.
+ ShardHint() uint64
+ // Verify checks if a cosigned tree head is trustworthy. On success,
+ // any invalid or unknown cosignatures may be removed.
+ Verify(*types.CosignedTreeHead) error
+type Log struct {
+ Name string
+ LogURL string
+ PublicKey types.PublicKey
+ ShardStart uint64
+ TrustUntil uint64
+type Witness struct {
+ Name string
+ PublicKey types.PublicKey
+ TrustUntil uint64
diff --git a/pkg/signatures/minisign/minisign.go b/pkg/signatures/minisign/minisign.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d8a9c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/signatures/minisign/minisign.go
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package minisign
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-lib-go/pkg/types"
+type Parser struct{}
+func (p *Parser) SignatureSuffix() string {
+ return ".minisig"
+func (p *Parser) PublicKey(r io.Reader) (*types.PublicKey, error) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("TODO")
+func (p *Parser) Signature(r io.Reader) (*types.Signature, error) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("TODO")
diff --git a/pkg/signatures/signatures.go b/pkg/signatures/signatures.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..184c8f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/signatures/signatures.go
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package signatures
+import (
+ "io"
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-lib-go/pkg/types"
+type Parser interface {
+ PublicKey(io.Reader) (*types.PublicKey, error)
+ Signature(io.Reader) (*types.Signature, error)
+ SignatureSuffix() string
diff --git a/pkg/signatures/signify/signify.go b/pkg/signatures/signify/signify.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dbbf07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/signatures/signify/signify.go
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+package signify
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/base64"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-lib-go/pkg/types"
+type Parser struct{}
+func (p *Parser) SignatureSuffix() string {
+ return ".sig"
+func (p *Parser) PublicKey(r io.Reader) (*types.PublicKey, error) {
+ b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("signify: read failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ var pub types.PublicKey
+ if err := parse(pub[:], b); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("signify: %v", err)
+ }
+ return &pub, nil
+func (p *Parser) Signature(r io.Reader) (*types.Signature, error) {
+ b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("signify: read failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ var sig types.Signature
+ if err := parse(sig[:], b); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("signify: %v", err)
+ }
+ return &sig, nil
+func parse(dst, lines []byte) error {
+ commentLine, dataLine, err := parseLines(lines)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("invalid: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := parseCommentLine(commentLine); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("invalid: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := parseDataLine(dst, dataLine); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("invalid: %v", err)
+ }
+ return nil
+func parseLines(lines []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
+ split := bytes.Split(lines, []byte("\n"))
+ if len(split) != 3 {
+ return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("number of lines")
+ }
+ return split[0], split[1], nil
+func parseCommentLine(line []byte) error {
+ if !bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("untrusted comment: ")) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("no untrusted comment")
+ }
+ return nil
+func parseDataLine(dst, line []byte) error {
+ data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(line))
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("base64 encoding")
+ }
+ if len(data) < 2 || !bytes.Equal(data[:2], []byte("Ed")) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("algorithm")
+ }
+ data = data[2:]
+ if len(data) < 8 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("random fingerprint")
+ }
+ data = data[8:]
+ if len(data) != len(dst) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("data length")
+ }
+ copy(dst[:], data)
+ return nil
diff --git a/pkg/signatures/ssh/ssh.go b/pkg/signatures/ssh/ssh.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5fb8f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/signatures/ssh/ssh.go
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package ssh
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "git.sigsum.org/sigsum-lib-go/pkg/types"
+type Parser struct{}
+func (p *Parser) SignatureSuffix() string {
+ return ".sig"
+func (p *Parser) PublicKey(r io.Reader) (*types.PublicKey, error) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("TODO")
+func (p *Parser) Signature(r io.Reader) (*types.Signature, error) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("TODO")