diff options
authorRasmus Dahlberg <rasmus@mullvad.net>2021-11-23 16:35:55 +0100
committerRasmus Dahlberg <rasmus@mullvad.net>2021-11-23 16:35:55 +0100
commit0cd11776011a870c225698f0d1095452e85cb1e5 (patch)
parent65777ea32bfb176dcb1b42d0a89a511a60fed2fe (diff)
persisted pads from meeting minutes
2 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/archive/2021-11-23-idea-related-to-ssh-format b/archive/2021-11-23-idea-related-to-ssh-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab3bec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/2021-11-23-idea-related-to-ssh-format
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+A half-baked idea related to ssh format proposal, needs thinking and verification
+ v-----the part that is hashed is ยง3 struct----v
+checksum := H("stuff" + "namespace with shard hint" + H(data))
+sig := Sign(sk, checksum)
+sig over checksum is what ssh-keygen -Y produces given sk, namespace, data?
+Submit with same formats as before:
+- vk
+- shard hint
+- H(data), "easily produced with sha256sum"
+- sig, "easily produced with ssh-keygen -Y and re-encoded to just be hex sig bytes"
+- domain hint
+Log computes checksum based on the above to verify signature
+Log does the normal "ok shard hint, ok domain hint checks"
+Log then accepts and creates leaf
+- checksum
+- sig
+- vk
+shard_hint is not needed in leaf now, could be where data is
+Monitor can verify signature if they know vk as before
diff --git a/archive/2021-11-23-meet-structure-notes b/archive/2021-11-23-meet-structure-notes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98ad940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archive/2021-11-23-meet-structure-notes
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+Some notes about sigsum's weekly jitsi meets (with proposed changes)
+ * Background
+ * The status round part is often enough for micro discussions
+ * Longer discussions tend to bloat the meeting for all participants
+ * Sometimes we don't get around to all decisions because we run out of time
+ * Idea
+ * s/Discuss/Decisions
+ * Timebox meet to 50 minutes, hopefully less with the above
+ * If anyone wants to discuss something in more detail:
+ * Do it immeaditely after the meet if time
+ * Else schedule a separate meet, take notes, and make it a status item next week
+ * (Sometimes discussion is more appropriate on irc, i.e., jitsi not required)
+ * Decision is automatically deferred until next week, if a decision is needed.
+ * "We should have done the work before the meet to take a decision today"
+ * See below for proposed meet pad template and notes
+ * When we decided on a new meet structure, let's clean this up as e.g. "doc/meet.md"
+Proposed meet pad template
+Meet: https://meet.sigsum.org/sigsum
+Info: link to "how this meeting works"
+Chair: <chair>
+ * Hello
+ * Status round
+ * Decisions
+ * Next steps
+ * <insert nickname here>
+Status round
+ * <insert status report here>
+ * <insert proposed decision here>
+Next steps
+ * <insert next steps here>
+Other useful links
+ * <insert useful link from irc or meet here>
+Meet lifecycle
+0. House keeping
+ * Next meet pad is available at https://pad.sigsum.org/p/sigsum-YYYYMMDD
+ * Date refers to the date of the meeting, usually every Tuesday
+ * After the meet, the chair will:
+ * Clean-up meet pad if it is too cluttered
+ * Persist linked pads that are no longer believed to be active
+ * Persist the resulting meet pad and post link in irc
+ * Initialize next week's meet pad and post link in irc
+ * (Archive link: https://git.sigsum.org/sigsum/tree/archive)
+1. If you plan to attend, put your name into the "Hello" part of the agenda. Most of
+us use irc/matrix nicknames. You can also add your nickname when you are showing up.
+2. If you have anything to report, please create a report item in the "Status round"
+section in advance. These reports should be kept short and will most likely contain
+either a link to learn more or a few talking points that make minutes more useful.
+ * Examples
+ * [alice] sketched on a new meeting structure as discussed last meet
+ * https://pad.sigsum.org/p/db06-fa52-dd67-fe98
+ * [bob] "started looking into X", "deployed Y", "fixed Z", etc.
+ * Few talking points / key words that make the resulting minutes more useful
+ * (May be omitted, keep it on the level "what is useful and simple")
+ * (May be added as notes while the report is taking place)
+You are not expected to read status reports in advance. We can have a micro discussion
+for each status report, but anything lengthy is deferred until after the meet is done.
+For example, you could say "I'm looking into X and would like to discuss Y after meet".
+3. If you would like to propose a decision, create a decision item in the "Decision"
+section in advance. Add a question mark to emphasize that it is not decided yet.
+ * a) Ensure that there is enough information available to take a decision
+ * Usually in the form of having a status round item on the same topic
+ * Some decisions don't need much context though, so keep it as simple as possible
+ * b) Ping on irc before the meet starts that you are proposing a decision
+ * "I'm working on X."
+ * "Here's what you need to know"
+ * "I'm adding this into the meet pad as a proposed decision, please take a look"
+ * (Be reasonable about how much of a heads-up you give for people to look)
+ * (Worst case, decision is deferred until next week if not enough time to look)
+ * c) If you plan to attend the meet and be part of the decision:
+ * Read-up on proposed decisions in advance
+ * Think about what you want to decide and why
+ * (Async feedback is of course also welcomed...)
+ * d) Discuss and take decision together, e.g., "yes", "no", "needs more work", etc.
+ * Prefix what is decided with "Decision: ", so that it is easy to grep in archive
+4. Before the formal meet closes we self-assign next steps in the "Next steps" section.
+Our next steps usually follow from status round and decisions, but is still explicit so
+that it is easy to communicate to one another what we plan to (not) work on next.
+ * Examples
+ * [alice] sketch on a new meeting structure that would s/Discuss/Decision
+ * [bob] give alice access to all sigsum systems
+5. If useful links appeared on irc or during the meet, please put them in the "Other
+useful links" section. Add a one-liner description if useful. For example:
+ * Brief intro to singing with ssh tooling
+ * https://www.agwa.name/blog/post/ssh_signatures