path: root/doc
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7 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/proposals/2022-07-api-renaming.md b/doc/proposals/2022-07-api-renaming.md
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index 0000000..dafa98c
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Proposal
+Rename the following endpoints:
+ - s/get-tree-head-to-cosign/get-untrusted-tree-head/
+ - s/get-tree-head-cosigned/get-tree-head/
+ - s/get-leaves/get-entries/
+ - s/add-leaf/add-entry/
+Rename the following ASCII keys:
+ - s/start_size/start_index/
+ - s/end_size/end_index/
+(Reminder: specify zero-based index.)
+# Motivation
+Improve readability of api.md, especially for those that skim it quickly. For
+example, "untrusted-tree-head" is a very strong signal for what you don't want,
+and it should be easier to relate to the term "entry" rather than a "leaf".
+The renamed ASCII keys better reflect the text that describes them.
diff --git a/doc/proposals/2022-07-case-insensitive-hex.md b/doc/proposals/2022-07-case-insensitive-hex.md
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index 0000000..bac2c69
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+# Proposal
+Require that Sigsum's ASCII parser uses case-insensitive hex, see [RFC 4648][].
+[RFC 4648]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4648#section-8
+# Motivation
+The requirement to use lower-case hex makes it harder to debug Sigsum logs on
+the command line in some environments; some common library implementations
+output either lower-case or upper-case hex while parsing is case-insensitive;
+and even if no hex parser is available (so it must be implemented from scratch)
+it is not much harder to implement as in [RFC 4648][].
diff --git a/doc/proposals/2022-07-endpoint-url.md b/doc/proposals/2022-07-endpoint-url.md
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index 0000000..024c3b8
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+# Proposal
+Drop the criteria that the constant "sigsum/v0" must be after a log's URL and
+before a named endpoint. This does not change the definition of a log URL, but
+does mean "<endpoint>" is appended to it rather than "sigsum/v0/<endpoint>".
+# Motivation
+ - Protocol and version does not change for an active log and it should already
+ be communicated to clients via policy.
+ - A log operator that wants to specify protocol and/or version as part of
+ their URL can still do so, either in their domain name or the optional path.
diff --git a/doc/proposals/2022-07-permit-lack-of-witness-cosignatures.md b/doc/proposals/2022-07-permit-lack-of-witness-cosignatures.md
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index 0000000..c0ac549
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+++ b/doc/proposals/2022-07-permit-lack-of-witness-cosignatures.md
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+# Proposal
+In api.md, ยง3.2:
+ - Permit that "key_hash" and "cosignature" are omitted by the log when there
+ are no witness cosignatures to set in the response.
+# Motivation
+It should be possible to return success on the get-tree-head-cosigned endpoint
+even if no witness provided a co-signature for the current to-cosign tree head.
+This change makes it possible to return 200 OK without witnesses.
diff --git a/doc/proposals/2022-07-replace-domain-hint-with-rate-limit.md b/doc/proposals/2022-07-replace-domain-hint-with-rate-limit.md
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index 0000000..c1570c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/proposals/2022-07-replace-domain-hint-with-rate-limit.md
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+# Proposal
+Replace the "domain_hint" key in the input to the add-leaf endpoint with
+"rate-limit". The value associated with the "rate-limit" key is on the format:
+ method:data
+where the defined methods are:
+ - dns: the exact same semantics as today's domain hint
+ - token: a shared secret that is negotiated between submitter and the log
+ operator out-of-band
+Example of a rate-limit line using DNS:
+ rate_limit=dns:_sigsum_v0.example.org
+Example of a rate-limit line using token:
+ rate_limit=token:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+The "rate_limt" key must not be repeated.
+The "rate_limit" key may be omitted. It is then up to the log server to accept
+or reject the user's requests.
+# Motivation
+There are more ways to establish something to rate-limit on than domain hints.
+The name "domain_hint" is also not descrptive; it makes understanding harder.
+It is also plausible that a log operator wants to run without a rate limit in
+some environments. The above change permits this as well.
diff --git a/doc/proposals/2022-07-replace-shard-hint-with-untrusted-timestamp.md b/doc/proposals/2022-07-replace-shard-hint-with-untrusted-timestamp.md
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+# Proposal
+Replace "shard_hint" with "untrusted_timestamp".
+A log requires untrusted_timestamp to contain an integer, seconds
+since epoch, in the span [now()-24h, now()] ie which is not in the
+future and not older than 24h.
+# Background
+add-leaf's "shard_hint" argument protects against entries being
+"replayed" between logs, notably including between two shards of a
+given log, eg MyLog2022 and MyLog2023.
+# Motivation
+- The current design with shard hint makes it possible for anyone to
+ replay entries in log A to log B at any time after they've been
+ submitted to log A (assuming the two logs are configured with
+ overlapping shard hint intervals).
+- Bonus: Getting rid of the name "hint" which is not very intuitive.
+# Rationale
+- One problem with replayed entries is that anyone can consume a
+ submitter's rate limit in another log long after it was actually
+ submitted.
+- Another problem with replayed entries which we do not address here
+ is filling up a log operators disk. This is mitigated with stricter
+ rate limiting, see "rate_limit".
diff --git a/doc/proposals/2022-08-replace-cgit-with-gitlab.md b/doc/proposals/2022-08-replace-cgit-with-gitlab.md
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index 0000000..35431f7
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+++ b/doc/proposals/2022-08-replace-cgit-with-gitlab.md
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+Proposal to replace cgit with GitLab.
+# Background
+As more people are getting involved in Sigsum we need better tooling for issue
+tracking and merge requests. We discussed and tried some light options before:
+ - [git-bug](../archive/2022-05-31-notes-on-git-bug), not mature enough
+ - [git-appraise](../archive/2022-06-28--meeting-minutes), we didn't try much
+ - Mailing list, we have it (and will continue to) but it is not used much
+ - [etherpad](https://pad.sigsum.org/p/sigsum-db), current ad-hoc solution due
+ to the lack of a good issue tracker and merge request tool. Requires a lot
+ of work because it is manual, has poor overviews, etc. We similarly have a
+ [milestone pad](https://pad.sigsum.org/p/sigsum-ms) which works pretty well.
+We [selected cgit](../archive/2021-06-21--meeting-minutes) 14 months ago because
+it is low-effort to self-host. We were so few people that we did not have a
+large need for full-blown issue tracking and merge request flows. We were also
+unsure if we would ever need this. For example, a mailing list might have been
+sufficient and we erred on the side of starting as simple as possible.
+Other than cgit, the two options that we considered free enough
+ - Codeberg
+ - GitLab
+Most of us are more familiar with GitLab from other project involvement.
+# Proposal
+Migrate our repositories to a GitLab instance that is self-hosted. Shut down
+cgit. The main downside is that links used in past presentations will break.
+This is why we [did not rename](./2022-04-restructure-repositories.md) the
+current repository named sigsum, which we would like to be "docs" or similar.
+So, this proposal means that we will make this "breaking link change" anyway.
+We are not aware of any Sigsum deployments that will be inconvenienced by this.
+Below is a preliminary GitLab structure for the top-most group "sigsum".
+ - admin ("ansible, operations, etc")
+ - testing
+ - checker
+ - etc.
+ - core ("sigsum source code")
+ - log-go
+ - sigsum-py
+ - sigsum-go
+ - project ("documentation, website, etc")
+ - documentation (archive, specs, proposals)
+ - www.sigsum.org (current Hugo source)
+I.e., "admin", "core", and "project" are subgroups. We split the current sigsum
+repository into "documentation" and "www.sigsum.org" (i.e., website).